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October 14. The cries of an infant was heard in the ER as the sign of its birth. A doctor gently passed the new born to the nurse holding a towel to clean the blood off the baby. Congratulating the mother, the doctor then went out to call the father shortly after speaking with the mother.


The call came from the man that came in with an anxious expression on his face. He has blond hair and hazel brown eyes.


The woman on the bed answered. She had brown hair and doe brown eyes, a beautiful Japanese woman.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, dear. Just a little tired..." Nana answered sluggishly and tiredly as she had just finished her delivery of their child. "Can I see him?" She said looking at the infant now wrapped in a blanket on the nurse's arms.

The nurse smiled and carefully passed the baby to its mother. The baby cracked its eyes open as soon as he was in his mother's arms. Smilingly, it laughed innocently earning a smile from the brunette.

"Isn't he just beautiful? What should we name him?" she asked the blond which turns out to be her husband, Sawada Iemitsu.

"Yes, he is, dear. Yes he is. He is our little tuna fish."

"Why tuna fish?" Nana looked at Iemitsu questioningly.

"Tsunayoshi. Hence, little tuna! His name will be Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Nana giggled at his husband's naming sense. But either way, she like it. She tenderly caress her baby.

"Tsu-kun, you hear that? Your name is Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"Wuh guh..."

"Ah! He likes it! Can I hold him?"

"Of course, dear."

As Iemitsu took Tsunayoshi from his mother's arms, the baby, unknown to them, frowned in distaste. The baby, Tsunayoshi, was having a little inner tsukomi.

Tuna? Naming me after a fish?! Are you kiding me!?

Sawada Tsunayoshi, formerly Kurogami Setsuna, bables in complaint one after another, taking advantage of the fact that she---or now he---won't be understood by his parents. He certainly doesn't like being named as tuna!

Iemistu cooed at the baby in his arms. Bringing his face closer to Tsunayoshi, Tsunayoshi took this chance to catch his nose in annoyance. Too bad, he can't put much strength to his hands, it would certainly hurt. And Iemitsu being a no-good parent took it possitively, much to Tsunayoshi's annoyance.

"Oh--he has strong grip! I'm sure he'll grow strong in the future. Ow."

Nana laughed cheerfully at the warm scene.


Four months have pass after Tsunayoshi--or Tsuna for short--'s birth, Tsuna would constantly space out. He had been thinking to himself. He would often question himself:

Why do I feel like I've forgotten something?

---As you can see, he had his memories forgotten. Tsuna has reincarnated without his memories, as how a normal reincarnation should be. But...

...the problem is...

His mentality did not reset.

Well what do you expect from a person with such mental fortitude? After enduring that kind of hardship, hardly anyone can keep their sanity. Too little, probably only countable by a hand, can achieve this. And Tsuna is one of them.

Ah...but it did affect him.

The current him can be said to have reverted to the innocent him before he was cursed. But his thinking capability is totaly the same as his last life.

He can understand words. He can read people as easy as reading a book. But he kept on ignoring it all and do as he pleased.

Eat, sleep, stare, pee, play, eat, sleep, wake up, nap, play, sleep, etc. whatever an infant his age would do.

In these for months, despite showing reactions to his parents words sometimes, he perfectly portrayed his role. Despite not having his memories, he still instinctively thought of putting up with his role like what he always do every reincarnation.

What you are outside is what you should be inside

was his policy. But it'll take time for him to adjust his mentality befitting his age. His simple wish of living a peaceful life depends on it.

But unknown to him, this wish was bound to not get heard.

For the future is never a definite thing.

It is ever changing and unpredictable.

Especially for him... there are people missing his presence.

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