Growing Up: 2yrs old

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A year passed and Nana, once again, is pregnant. Tsuna just turned two not long ago and he still wasn't fond of speaking. As for the ped--cough, father, Iemitsu, he went back to work in India, or so he said. Anyway, our little tuna is going to be a big brother! And yes. From now on, he is now just tuna, not tuna fish.

According to his father, his little brother is to be named Tousaka. 等 for 'Tou' and 魚 for 'saka' without the 'na' as it was originally 'sakana' which literally means fish. Upon hearing this, Tsuna thought to himself:

What's the deal with Pedodad and fishes? Could he have been a merman or something? ...but its impossible. His looks is far too lacking.

...yeah. Expect Tsuna to be able to hold a grudge at people for the simplest reason. That's your dad, its only normal if he act like pedophile to his own child. Furthermore, insulting your own father's look, isn't it the same as saying that you're lacking in the same department as well?

Ehem. Back to the story, yes.

Nana's pregnancy was known only when she was already 3 months pregnant. That was a week away Tsuna's birthday. Iemitsu left 1 and a half month after.

Now was the 5th month on Nana's pregnancy and Tsuna has been Nana's little assistant in everything. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, shopping, Tsuna would always try to reduce the pressure for Nana. Currently, Nana is teaching his darling son how to write.

"Tsu-kun, this is how you write your name."

Nana gently took Tsuna's little hand which was holding a pencil. Gently and tenderly, she guided the little hand to write 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' in katakana to the paper. She repeated it three times before letting the little one try on his own. Of course, Tsuna pretended to be unable to write decently for the first few tries before making them decent enough for a child his age.

"My, my! Tsu-kun really is a genius! you learn fast!" Nana hugged the little one as she praise the child. "Sawada Tsunayoshi. That is your full name, okay Tsu-kun?"

"Sawada Tsuna...yoshi. Tsuna..." Tsuna 'thoughtfully' repeated his name. But as for his real thoughts, it goes like this.

Ah, I actually already knows since dad named me when I was born. He has the nerve to name me after a fish! A fish I tell ya! You think I'll forget this grudge?!

Tsuna looked at Nana and asked. "And maman...?"

Nana still haven't learned Tsunago (Tsuna language) yet. That's why, she didn't get what he getting on.


A question mark showed up on her head.


Tsuna cleared up.

"Oh! Tsu-kun wants to know maman's name?" Nana asked to which he nodded to. She gave the child a smile. "Maman's name is Sawada Nana. Let maman teach you how to write her name, ne?"

And the teaching continues.


Four months pass and it was time for little Tousaka to come out. Iemistu rushed back in order to not miss his 2nd son's birth.

Now, two males, one big and one small, sat waiting outside the delivery room. As minutes pass by, Iemitsu started to feel restless and started to walk back and forth.

Tsuna too was nervous, but he was calm enough to face this situation. He knows he needs to do something about this restless man.

"Pedo..." he said softly, before feeling that it doesn't fit in the current atmosphere. Thus, left with no choice, he corrected himself. This is just for this one time, he told himself.

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