Trying Something New

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Clare's POV

I was siting with Harry on our couch watching a movie. We were curled up together under a nice blue blanket. It was perfect. Harry had his hand rested on my hip as my head was laid on his lap. He seemed really into the movie we were watching. I didn't blame him, it was great. There was just one problem. Harry kept moving his hands closer and closer up my thighs throughout the movie. It was only making it harder and harder for me to concentrate.

I looked up at his face and noticed the small smirk he was wearing. He knew what he was doing to me. I glared at him for a minute before I returned my attention to the television. Right when the movie was getting good, the screen went black. 

I looked back at Harry and he was holding the remote in his hand. He had turned it off.

"Hey, why did you do that?"  I whined, sitting up from my position.

"I was thinking." He replied in a nonchalant way.

"You needed the t.v off to think Harry?" I questioned, clearly irritated by his actions.

He shrugged and threw the blanket off of his body.It came off of mine as well, exposing my bare legs in shorts and a tank top. Harry scooted himself closer to the end of the couch, his hand placed on his chin. I just looked at him.

"I want to try something new with you tonight."Harry spoke up.

"What is this 'something' you speak of?" I questioned, confused.

Harry smiled and stood up from the couch. He held out his hand in front of me. I took it and stood with him.  He started walking towards the stairway, with me following close behind. We climbed the stairs and made it to his bedroom. He opened the door and let me walk in first.

He walked over to his closet and pulled out something. I couldn't see what it was. He held up a finger in the air and left the room. When he returned, he had a bottle of Champagne and a wine glass filled with ice cubes. I was a little confused. If he wanted to drink, he could have done it downstairs.

He set the glass down on the nightstand and motioned for me to come closer to the bed. I did as I was told and walked over. He just looked me in the eyes for a second before he smirked.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Of course I trust you Harry. Why would you ask?" I replied. It was true.

"I wanted to know." He shrugged. "Place your hands in front of you and put them together." he said, demonstrating what to do with his own hands.

 I looked at him for a second before I did as he asked. He then pulled out a dark green tie from his pocket. He placed the tie around my wrist and tied it a little lose, leaving the ends of it out. Without warning, he pushed me onto the bed. 

Harry got on top of me and grabbed the ends of the tie that were still out. He tied each end to the bed post. Afterwards, he tugged on them to make sure they were tight. He got up off of the bed and popped the bottle of Champagne open. He took a sip straight from the bottle before he set it back down. 

I laughed and looked at him. "What are you doing Harry?" I asked.

"You'll see. Just hold your horses." He laughed.

I giggled and waited for him to make a move. He pulled his blue t-shirt over his head, leaving his chest bare and exposing his wonderful tattoos. He walked down to the end of the bed and tugged at my shorts. Once they were down at my ankles, he pulled them completely off and tossed them over his shoulder.

Now, I was only in my black lace panties and a white tank top. I bit my lip as I watched Harry look me up and down.He had a devilish look in his eyes. He bit his lip. I was definitely getting really wet at the moment. I was almost sure he could tell. 

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