No Touching

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The day was finally here! Jasmine had waited a whole year for this day. She had dreamnt about how she wanted this day to go. And now, waking up at 8 am on this day, she was ready to take it on. It was Harry's birthday.

Harry and Jasmine had been dating for a total of two years now. They practically lived together. She knew so much about him and vise versa. One subject that Harry always wanted to avoid was his own birthday. He had never given her a reason. Jasmine suspected it was because Harry wasn't much of a person who wanted to attention on him. Although he had basically grow up in front of the world with One Direction, he was a private, shy kind of guy. 

Jasmine rolled over onto her side and stare at Harry. He was still sound asleep. She loved the way his lips were slightly parted and the way he let out little soft breaths. She smiled at how peaceful he looked. He was relaxed for once in the day.  She rose her hand to his face and pushed a strand of his curly hair out of his face. He groaned a little but remained asleep.

Jasmine's eyes then fell to Harry's inked chest. Besides Harry's personality, his tattoo were her favorite. Lightly she pressed her small fingertips against the swallow on his right shoulder. She traced the design carefully before moving her hand down towards his butterfly tattoo. 

She laughed as she remembered the day she was with him when he got the tattoo. They were just friends then. He swore that the tattoo was such a bad ass move and wanted to get it as big as possible, rather than the small design he had originally decided on.  

Her brown eyes then fell on one of her personal favorites. The fern tattoos. She lowered her hand to the one on his left hip and traced it as well. This made Harry stir again. She bit her lip as she looked down and saw that beyond Harry's v-line, he wasn't wearing any boxers. 

"A little lower please." Harry suddenly spoke up, his raspy morning voice waking up all of Jasmine's lady senses. 

Harry squinted at her and smiled, his dimples setting in. She laughed and brought her hand back up his bare chest. He opened his eyes fully and stretched out a little bit. He snaked his arm around her golden brown waist and pulled her a little closer to him. Compared to her small frame, Harry was basically swallowing her. 

"Good morning love." He spoke to her.

"Good morning." she replied before she locked lips with him.

The kiss was slow and filled with passion. There was no question that the two were madly in love with each other. After they broke for some air, Harry let out a small whimper from the loss of contact.

"You know what today is?" Jasmine chimed up, a huge smile plaster on her face.

Harry thought for a second. He started to worry that it was their anniversary. He could have sworn it wasn't until May. He smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Our anniversary?" He drew out putting his accent on display.

She hit his arm playfully and shook her head no." It's your birthday."

Harry groaned as he remembered the date. He wasn't a fan of his birthday. It was just a reminder that another year of his life  had passed on and that he was getting older. He rolled his eyes a little bit but smiled anyways. 

"Happy birthday baby." Jasmine spoke softly.

She brought her hands up to his face and held it in her hands before she pecked him on the lips. He smiled and just looked at her. Sometimes he couldn't believe he had managed to date such a beautiful woman like her. Then he started thinking. Soon, a sly smirk appeared on his lips.

"So, since it's my birthday, I can do anything I want right?" He questioned her.

Jasmine shrugged before she pushed a strand of her curly hair out of the way. Harry flipped himself up and hovered over her body. She laughed at his eagerness. He took both of her hands and placed them above her head.

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