Losing Control

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In honor of 500 followers, I am publishing this part of the story for you all early. Thank you so much to everyone who has given me the time of day to read my stories and to all the accounts who have encouraged me to be the best me. I love all of you and never thought I would be here today. So thank you! Treat people with Kindness and ALWAYS choose love  

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You had just been out for a long dinner with your boyfriend of two years. You went to your favorite restaurant and spent most of the night laughing about things you had experienced together in the past. You were both drinking, enough to get you both a little tipsy. 

Everything was fine until your boyfriend's hand grazed your thigh as you sat at the table. Your boyfriend was no one other than Harry Styles, which meant every touch from him was like an electric shock. You instantly tensed up, biting down on your lip to hold in the moan you so desperately wanted to let out. 

Harry caught on to your situation and decided to make the most of it. He continued to run his rough, calloused fingers over your soft skin on your legs. He knew it would only drive you crazy. And that's just what it did! 

You guys were not even close to the car when he pushed you up against a brick wall outside of the expensive restaurant. Your breath hitched as his nose grazed over your sensitive skin behind your right ear. He smirked at the reaction he had gained out of you.

"Do you like that babe?" Harry whispered seductively in your ear.

You couldn't even form a full sentence in your brain. He had managed to put you in some sort of horny trance in a matter of three minutes. You swallowed and finally let out a soft moan as he started to kiss down your neck. 

"I need you now." you growled as you palmed at his very apparent boner through his jeans.

Harry grunted at the sudden friction. He bit his lip as he watched you touch his most private area. He tried to imagine your lips wrapped around it instead. He cursed lowly under his breath as he started to feel a tightness in his pants.

"Shit baby, let's get you home." Harry finally said as he pulled you towards the car. 

 You followed with no hesitation.  Harry started the car swiftly and you were both down the street. You arrived at your apartment in no time. You practically jumped out of the car and made your way over to the front door to unlock it. Harry stood right behind you, waiting intensely to get you inside.

"Please, I just need—" he sputtered out, finding it hard to form words to describe what he wanted. He began to shamelessly rutt his hips into your ample backside in a way of explanation.He wanted you to feel how hard he was in that moment. And you for sure thought it was a rock back there rather than Harry's length. 

His breath was hot and heavy. You were a full blown mess now. Loose strands of your curly hair was fluttering across your heated neck each time Harry's hips met your ass. He was making goosebumps litter over the expanse of your skin. Your fingers shook as you tried to shuffle through your many keys to find the right one to your apartment. For a moment, you forget what you were supposed to be doing as the feeling of slightly chapped lips grazed your shoulders. Harry continued to shower your skin with kisses, only distracting you with the added movements of his hips.

The clatter of your keys falling to the floor is what snaps you out of the trance that he only seems to put you in. In no time, he's picking them up for you, finding the right key almost effortlessly and unlocking your front door with confidence. He's still a gentleman, allowing you to go in first. The moment your door clicks shut behind you, he is pushing you up against a white wall. He doesn't even give you a chance to find the light switch. Harry is shooting forward to press his lips against yours in a kiss that makes your body slam further into the wall from the force.

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