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A/n ok I suggest you read the description before you start this book
August 20———————————————

Ok so I am 11 and today my letter for the school I end up going to should get here today. My mom wants me to go to Hogwarts because she went there. My dad couldn't care less as long as i kicked some ass while I'm there.
"Time to wake up sweetheart" dad said kissing my forehead. Softly waking me up.
"Morning dad" I said. My dad was a quite amazing dad. My mom on the other hand is pretty mean.
"Come on dear get dressed you get your letter to day and I made your favorite breakfast" dad said smiling. He left the room so I could change. I wore this...

My mom said that I had a fashion of my own

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My mom said that I had a fashion of my own... which I guess means I don't dress like everybody else. We had a two story manor and I loved sliding down the stair railing. I went to the edge and slid down.
"Man I love doing that" I said
"Good morning mistress Lily" our elf loony said
"I told you, please call me lily. Mistress Lily sounds way to girly" I said smiling
"Yes Lily" she said and went back to her chores. I had tried to set loony free but my mom wouldn't let me. I walked to the kitchen and smelled all of my favorite breakfast foods.
"Morning mom" I said in a cheerful tone
"Morning dear" she said sitting at the table
Dad brought me a pancake.
"Thank you dad" I said starting to grab food.
"Your welcome" dad said sitting down
My plate was filled with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and a biscuit.
"Dear are you seriously going to eat all of that?" Mom asked
"YuP" I said poping the P
"She's got my appetite for sure" dad said chuckling
I started to eat I was done pretty fast.
"Lily you need to slow down!" Mom exclaimed. She on the other hand had barely touched her food.
"Why I got stuff to do!" I said getting up
"Can I go ride my bike?" I asked
"Why do you like that muggle device?" Mom asked
"Come on dear let her use it" dad pleated
"Fine but you need to come home soon" Mom said
"Okie dokie" I said. I went to the garage and got my bike. It was a pretty teal bike so it didn't look to girly. I rode my bike to my usual training spot. It was out by the beach.
"Ok let's do this" I said getting off my bike.
I practiced my fighting skills until it was around lunch time. I rode my bike back to the manor. I walked in the door to find a plate with a peanut butter sandwich, and a apple. I grabbed the plate and went up stairs to find two owls on my window seal.
"Thank you" I said taking the notes from the owls. I read the first one...

Dear Lily Jane of Jane manor,

We are pleased to let you know that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
If you accept this you will need the following
-quills -parsment
-wand -pet (owl, cat, or toad)
-all the books from the list of books on the other note

We hope you accept
Albus Dumbledore

I was so excited I'm not going to a girly girl school! Praise the lord! I decided to read the second note...

Dear Lily Jane,

We are happy to let you know we want you to be the first girl at Dumstrang. If you accept please send us a letter so we can send you the list of supplies you need.

The head master

"WHAT!!!" I said a little to loudly
"What's wrong Lily" Mom asked. I hid the letters behind my back.
"N-Nothing" I said.
"Ok" mom said leaving. Dad still stood there waiting for me to talk.
"I guess you want me to tell you what happened?" I asked
"Yes now let me see them" dad said. I handed him the letters. He read both of them.
"So which one are you choosing?" He asked smiling
"I think Dumstrang" I said smiling. He smiled like an idiot.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He said picking me up and spinning me around.
"What?" Mom asked walking back though the door.
"I'm going to be the first girl at Dumstrang" I said smiling. Mom did not look pleased. Something tells me she is not going to be happy about this.
She walked out the door my dad soon followed. I sat down and wrote...

Dear head master,

I would be honored to go to Dumstrang like my father


The First Girl in dumstrangWhere stories live. Discover now