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I walked to the great hall for breakfast. I got there to see Victor sitting at the table we usually do.
"Hiya Vickey!" I said
"What did you just call me?" He asked and I smiled
"Vickey" I said
He chuckled
"Don't call me that" he said
"Ok Victoria" I said smirking
"Really?" He asked smiling
"Really. Now I must eat breakfast" I said and sat down he just chuckled and went back to eating. The year had gone good so far. I had good grades my teachers loved me and I became the most popular student so... yeah life is good! I grabbed some food and started eating it. Once I was done I got up and walked to DADA. I walked in.
"Hello Mis Jane" professor Dan said
"Hello Professor" I said and sat down. The others started to come in one by one. I heard the chair next to me move so I looked over to see a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tamed skin.
"Oh... hello I'm..." he cut me off
"Lily Jane... I know you kicked my brothers ass the first day of school... nice job by the way" he said
"Thanks" I said smiling
"Oh ya I'm Ben" he said smiling
"Well hi Ben and I hope your not as bad as your brother" I said
"Oh I'm not he's annoying, sexist, and overall just a huge bitch... I'm basically the opposite" he said.
"Well good to know" I said and then professor Dan started talking
"Ok so today we will be leaning about boggorts! Does anyone know what a boggort is?" He asked and my hand shot up.
"Ah... Yes Mis Jane" professor said
"A boggort is a creature that turns into the thing you fear most, it is most easily defeated when there is more then one person because then it will get confused on which to turn into" I said
"Correct and can you tell me what it looks like?" He asked
"Trick question, no one knows what it looks like because it's a shape shifter" I said smiling.
"Cough nerd cough" some one said am I rolled my eyes.
"Yes now up we go! Come on!" Professor said and we got up and walked to a closet.
"Now the school is letting me do this only if someone want to" Professor said
"What exactly are we doing professor?" A kid asked
"Well if you want to I am letting you go up against a boggort" Professor said
"Oh boy" I said under my breath
"Now who would like to go" Professor said and everyone stepped back... except me.
"REALLY!" I exclaimed
"Do you want to?" He asked
"Sure" I said trying to gather all my bravery and walk up to the closet
"Ok the spell you will use to get rid of it is Riddikulus! Got that?" He asked
"Um... yeah" I said
"Ok in 3...2...1..." he said and the door flew open. Then everyone disappeared. Then I saw my mom and dad.
"WE HATE YOU!" My mom yelled
"WE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!" My dad yelled then it turned into Victor
"R-Ri..." I couldn't say it I was to scared
It turned into the two boys I met at the ice cream shop in diagon ally.
"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU AND WE HATE YOU!" They yelled in unison. It turned into a picture of a funeral and I was on the coffin... but no one was there.
"RIDDIKULUS" I yelled and it disappeared I wiped furiously away the tear falling down my cheek. I tightened my grip on my wand. I breathed in and out. I turned around. Professor Dan looked amazed, and started to clap. I just walked back to the group and stood there silently.
"That was amazing Mis Jane! Now would anyone else like to go?" He asked
They all shake their heads no
I smirked
"Well I guess Lily is the bravest" he said smiling and looking at me. The bell rang and I walked out of class.
"Hey Lily! You ok" Ben asked coming up to me
"Y-Yeah just a little shaken" I said putting a fake smile on my face.
"Ok just making sure you looked scared" he said
"No duh it's a boggort! It turns into your biggest fear!" I said in a duh tone
"Right" He says and I smile.
"Well I got to get to potions" I said
"Bye" He said
"Bye!" I said and walked down to potions but was pulled into an empty classroom. It was dark and I couldn't see.
"Stay away from my brother" the voice said. I could just barely see that it was the dude from first day
"Why should I?" I ask
"Because I said so you little shit! Your not good enough to be friends with my brother!" He yelled
"Says who?" I asked tried to turn around but was stoped
"Me! So I'd advise you stay away from him" he said and walked out
I thought for a second but decided I don't really care about what he thinks. I walked out and to potions. I got there just in time and ran to sit down at my seat.
"Ok class to day you will look though your potions text book and make the one that interest you most! Go on!" He said and I quickly opened my book and looked through it. I found one it was a potion called motion potion. (I love this name) when made correctly when you drink it your eyes will turn the color of your emotion for a hour.

Time skip———————————————

I was Finished! It took almost all period but it's done. The professor walked over and examined it.
"Drink it" He said
"What?" I asked
"I want to see if you truly made it correctly" he said. I looked back at my potion. I really hope you were made correctly. I cupped some in a vile and drank it. I wasn't dead so I must be fine. I opened my eyes.
"What is your emotion right now?" He asked
"Worried that this potion was made wrong" I said worried
"Well you made it right, you gat an A" he said and walked off.
"Thank Merlin" I said

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