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A/n this is her uniform

Ok today is the day. I'm going to Dumstrang and I'm going to kick some ass. If I need to although I probably will.
"You ready dear?" My mom asked
"As I'll ever be" I said. Dumstrang wanted me to apperate onto the grounds since they don't have a train that goes to Dumstrang from London. We apperated right outside the school entrance.
"You ready my badass little angel" my dad said
"YuP" I said poping the P
"Remember if anyone bully's you hurts you or you just feel like it... beat their sorry ass up..." my mom stoped my dad by slapping him on the back of the head. Which made me laugh.
"Or just tell a teacher" my dad said winking. He didn't want me to tell a teacher he wanted to hear I was the biggest badass bitch ever.
"Make sure to write to us" my mom said hugging me
"Of course mom" I said hugging back. We pulled away and my dad hugged me and I hugged back.
"Remember don't try to fit in when you were born to stand out" my dad said pulling away
"That's not gonna be hard because their all boys and I don't want to be a boy" I said giggling
My dad chuckled. Then him and my mom were gone. I turned around.
"This is the start of a new me... now let's go kick some older kids asses" I said starting to walk. I got to the court yard. Then the pressure got real. Everyone was looking at me and whispering. I mean who wouldn't I'm a girl at a all boy school. I took a deep breath and continued walking. I smiled at some of the boys, but then I was stopped by someone stepping in front of me.
"This is a all boys school what are you doing here?" The boy said
"Your headmaster didn't tell you he decided to invite me to come and be the first girl at Dumstrang... now move before I beat your sorry ass up" I said
"Ohh..."said the people around me
"Well just see what your made of later" he said then walked off. Wow five seconds in and I made an enemy. I kept walking to the headmasters office. I got to the door and knocked.
"Come in" said a male voice
"Hello I'm Lily Jane" I said opening the door.
"Ah yes I was wondering when you would get here my wife has been waiting to meet you" he said as a some what talk women came in
"She will show you to your room" he said
"Come along dear" the lady said. She lead me to a room. It was stone wall, king size bed, and blood red curtains.
"This is you room" she said
"Sweet" I said looking around
"Dinner is at 6 breakfast is a 5 and lunch will be determined by your schedule" she said and left. First thing I did was take out Violet. She looked super comfortable and fell asleep. I laughed at how cute she was when sleeping. I walked over to my bed and jumped onto it.
"This. Is. Amazing." I said smiling. I looked at the clock I still had four hours before dinner. So I decided to go work out. I got changed into a tank top and shorts. I walked out of my room and out side. And of course everyone was watching me. I got out into the forest and found the sturdiest tree. I started kicking and pinching and round housing, basically any thing that would hurt a human. I did that for two hours and was about to stop when.
"Well look it's the person who's not supposed to be here" the boy from earlier said
"You know you really need to work on your insults" I said crossing my arms
"Yeah like it matters you still don't belong here this is a school for strong men not silly little girls" he said and his friends snickered.
"Oh... then you don't mind going one on one right now" I said smirking
"I don't need to waist my time" he said laughing
"Or are you just scared" I said turning to face them
"Phf... your on" he said and ran up to be. He tried to throw a punch but I blocked it. He tried with his other hand. But I easily blocked that one to. Then I round house kicked him, he fell down out of energy.
"Well that's settled" I said turning back to the tree and started punching it. But then I heard leaves cracking behind me. Then a hand grabbed my shoulder, but I threw the boys friend over my shoulder and onto him.
"Now anyone else" I asked smirking. They just shook their heads violently no.
"Good now never let me catch you being sexist pigs again or I will hurt you 200 times more" I said walking away. They all looked at me and it was weird because I could feel them starring at me. I just brushed it off and kept walking. I got back to my room to see someone was in there. I walked in to see a boy petting Violet.
"What are you doing in here" I whisper yelled because Violet was asleep.
"Oh your ferret got out and I wanted to return her" he said
"Well thank you" I said smiling
"Oh I'm Victor Krum" he said
"Lily Jane nice to meet you Victor" I said setting down my bag from work out.
"I guess I should go before someone sees me in here and I get expelled" victor said getting up
"Probably Anyways I hope to see you again Victor" I said as he headed for the door.
"Same here" He said walking out the door. I smiled. I took out my quidditch posters and hung them up all around my room. I looked around admiring my work. It looked magnificent. I had made a friend and an enemy on the same day. I looked to see it was 6 dinner time...

The First Girl in dumstrangWhere stories live. Discover now