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I had been thinking hard about what that dude who's name I still don't know said. I should really ask someone. Oh well... anyways I need to think. But where?
"Open me" I hear a whisper
"What?" I ask myself out loud
"Open me" it says agin.
I look around and no ones there. Hmm...
"Open me" this time I could tell where it was coming from, but it was coming from a door. I walked towards it.
"Open me... Open me..." I said getting louder as I got closer. I walked to the door and put a hand on it. Wait this door wasn't here yesterday? I quietly opened it slowly hoping nothing would happen. I looked in said but it was dark, I couldn't see anything.
"Lumos" I said and my wand lit
All I saw was a chase... I walked closer to it. Then something grabbed my leg. I put my wand to it. It quickly went away from the light. I got closer. Then I felt something grab my leg again, and then my other leg, and then the rest of my body.
"Help!" I screamed. No one came.
"LUMOS! LUMOS!" I yelled trying to get the plants to let go but they wouldn't let go. Then my vision got blurry.
I saw a light.
"Help! I need help! There's a student in here!" I heard a female voice yell but then I couldn't hear anything... I was passed out or...

Time skip—

Victor's POV-

Lily had been out for about an month and it seems so lonely with out her. I'm not sure what to do. I have went and visited her everyday and every time I do there is this other boy there but I don't talk to him. I get there to see once again the boy is sitting there.
"Ok can I ask why are you here?" I asked annoyed
"Oh I'm Lily's friend Ben!" He said smiling... I don't like this kid
"Since when is she friends with you?" I asked firmly looking into his eyes.
"Um... about a month and a day ago" he said in a sassy tone. Ya I really don't like this kid. We were now both starring at each other in the eyes angrily. Or faces not that far away from each other.
"You two gonna kiss or?" I heard Lily ask
"Lily!" We both exclaimed in unison. Then glared at each other.
"Sorry if I was interrupting... what ever you were doing... but what happened and why am I in the hospital wing?" She asked
"We're not entirely sure what happed but we do know you passed out a month ago" Ben said
"A MONTH!" She exclaimed
"Yes" I said
"No wonder I'm hungry" she said
"Well do you need me to go get you some food?" I asked
"I want to get her food" Bed the bitch said
"How about you both can go get me some food and I'll wait here" she said. And we did both go get her food.
"Look I do t want to fight but Lily's mine" Ben said
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"I know you like lily" he said angrily
"Ya I like her like a sister" I said annoyed
"Ya! Like I'm going to believe that!" Ben exclaimed
"Look even if I did she isn't a prize you can't win her" I said firmly
"Well she will be mine and if you don't think I'm a good person tell her to not hang out with me" he said. I swear I want to strangle this kid! But I shouldn't he's a first year and I'm a third. We went and got food. And we walked back in silence, glaring at each other every now and then. Before we entered the hospital wig I stoped him and said
"What do you want with lily?" I asked calmly
"To have her as my own" he said smirking
"It's your first year!"I exclaimed
"So what! It's not like you like her or something!" He exclaimed
"Your right I don't like her like that because she feels like a sister!" I exclaimed trying not to yell so lily wouldn't hear.
"Well your not! And your not going to tell her that I'm like this!" He exclaimed close to yelling
"And why not!" I yelled
"Because you don't want to hurt her feelings" he said smirking... there was silence
"Your just like your filthy brother" I said and took the food and walked into the hospital wing and gave lily her food. Putting a fake smile on... she didn't buy it.
"What's wrong? Where's Ben?" She asked
"Nothing and probably at dinner" I said trying to not let her here the poison in my voice when she mentioned Ben.
"Ok..." she said. She isn't buying this bull dung...

Lily POV-

Yeah I'm not buying this bull dung but I'll get it out of him later.
"Victor I need to tell you something" I said
He tensed
"I swear if you say you like someone I will..."
"Calm down!" I cut him off
He looked at me and put his hands up defeated
"Ok all I remember is I heard a voice say 'open me' over and over again, then I realized the sound was coming from the door, so I went in and I saw a case and I tried to get to it but I was being attacked by some kind of plant... it hated light. Do you know what it is?" I asked
"No sorry but I can ask the herboligy teacher later and see if he knows" Victor said
"Ok... and the first time it attacked me it ran away from the light, but the other times it didn't... and I want to see what's in the case" I said smiling my adventurous smile of mine.
"No! I'm not going to let you get hurt!" He exclaimed
"I'm going to a magic school, where the headmaster is a death eater, I'm probably almost always be hurt" I said smiling and raising an eye brow convincingly
"Sigh... ok but I'm helping you..." he said
"Deal" I said
"Now eat you must be hungry" he said
He's right I am hungry and these chrisps he brought me look delicious.

A/n wow another chapter! I'm really want to get to get to her fifth year when she goes to...


Well thanks for reading and remember...

Reality is an illusion!
The universe is a hologram!
Bye gold! Bye!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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