Laurens in the bathroom

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Laurens PoV

I sat in my room on my bed that night, since I couldn't sleep. There was a mirror on the wall in my room, I stood up and looked into it. Opening my mouth I just stared at my fangs, poking them from time to time, seeing how sharp they were. It was really hard to hide my secret, one I couldn't open my mouth very wide, two sunlight, three eating. I made a decision, I couldn't hide this for the rest of my life, so when they trusted me enough I would tell them.

One person I really wanted to tell was Alexander, and then came my forth problem. I had known I was gay most of my life, when you have 3000 years to think about it you end up becoming sure. And Alexander was caring, kind, hard working, and handsome in many ways, it now hit me that I had a crush. I groaned wondering if this was gonna end up like Twilight.

I opened my window and flew out of it, of course closing it behind me. I wandered outside until I came to a park. I sat myself on a bench and stared at the night sky, I missed feeling the warmth of the sun. "Hello?" I heard from to my side, I turned my head to see a boy aged around 13-14, with dark blonde hair. "Hi" I answered, I was glad I had already eaten that day "I hope not to be rude, but I was out with my friends and they ran away from me, it's dark and I'd rather not walk home alone because of the whole... Vampire thing" his accent was British. Even though I knew he wouldn't get killed that night I didn't want him to feel scared "want me to walk you home? What's your name?" I stood up while talking. "Samuel Seabury, and yes that would be nice"

Samuel seemed uneasy the whole way back to his house, when we got there he turned to me. "Th-thanks, I-I can get my mom to call you a cab if you want" he said while opening the door. I shook my head "it's fine" I made sure he got inside safely before walking back to the apartment.

I flew up to the unlocked window and back into my room.

The next morning once again I was dressed before everyone else. The whole day we stayed inside and talked about random things.

Alexander PoV

Lafayette came out the kitchen with the food, like what had happened the past two nights, John rushed to the bathroom after he finished. I realised I had left my phone in my room, and the girls get annoyed or worried if I don't text back immediately. Standing up and walked to my room, while walking past the bathroom I heard a noice from inside, someone coughing and gagging.

I opened the bathroom door slowly "John? Are you ok?" My heart stung when I saw him leaning over the toilet, throwing up the food he just ate. "A-*cough* Alexander?" I ran to his side, my mind instantly thinking that he had an eating disorder. "Do you do this to yourself?" I asked, he shook his head "no, I wish you could understand" I felt confused. "What do you mean?" I could feel my face frown with worry. "I-I can't tell you"

His face was filled with fear "please, I won't tell anyone else" I begged. John opened his mouth a little as if to speak but closed it again and shook his head. I hugged him gently "tell me when you want to, but please actually tell me."

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