Why do i do this to poor little Laf?

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Lauren's PoV

Hours later, we heard another knock at the door. We all hurried to the door and opened it as fast as we could. We stared in horror as Hercules held a crying Lafayette bridal-style. Lafayette was holding onto Mulligan's waist tightly, his eyes were shut just as tight, his lip was trembling as he sobbed, his cheeks were wet with the continuous flow of tears, his hair was still in a bun but was messy and his clothes were tattered, ripped and messy. Eliza gasped "What happened?" We all stepped out of the way while Mulligan carried the French man inside. He sat him down on the couch but Lafayette didn't let go of him, so Hercules sat down with Laf on his lap.

Some of us sat down while others leaned against the wall, waiting for Hercules or Lafayette to explain. "Herc, what happened? Tell us" I was sat next to the two of them and put my hand on Lafayette's shoulder, he flinched and squealed in fear a little, I quickly moved my hand away. "I found him in an alley a little away from the store... from what Laf told me... they took him while he was about a block away from the store and then dumped him in an alley...  they..." he stopped talking for a moment, I'd been alive long enough to know what he was about to say "he was raped"

"Who the hell did it? Was it Jefferson?" Angelica yelled. "Ch-Charles Lee..... T-Thomas helped" Lafayette muttered through tears. And for a minute I thought Charles Lee was an alright guy, I expected he was part of the gang that was only there so his life didn't get ruined, now he had ruined someone's life. "They've gone too far this time!" Alex yelled. I felt myself becoming more angry by the second, I tried to keep myself calm but I couldn't. "Je détestais ça, ça faisait mal" Laf seemed to messed up to even speak English. "I hated it, it hurt" Alexander translated, we all looked at him confused "I can speak French."
"je ne pouvais pas les combattre tous, j'ai peur"
"I couldn't fight them all, I'm scared"
"ils ont dit que si je dis à quelqu'un qu'ils me trouveraient à nouveau"
"they said if i told anyone they would find me again"
"S'il vous plaît ne dites à personne d'autre"
"please don't tell anyone else"
"J'ai menti, j'étais vierge, je suis désolé"
"i lied, i was a virgin, im sorry"
"Je ne sais pas pourquoi je pensais que cela vous impressionnerait Herc"
"i dont know why i thought that would impress you Herc"
"je t'aime"
Alexander hesitated "I love you"
Hercules stared at Lafayette in surprise "I-i love you too"

I smiled, I guess this moment could be slightly happy. But the pain in my heart only grew, knowing that Herc and Laf could have a relationship. Lafayette snuggled into Hercules, not exactly ready to be kissed again. I looked over at Alex, who I found was also looking at me. "Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute?" Alexander asked. I nodded and stood up, we went into Alex's room.

"About what I said the other day" I sighed, knowing he was going to bring this up "I really do love you" I smiled along with a sigh. "I really do love you too... it's just... I'm immortal... I kill people daily." Alexander smiled and held my hand "I don't care, we could work that out later" my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. Alex brushed some of my hair away from my face and began to lean forward. I put my hand on his back and he wrapped his arms around my waist as our lips connected.

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