Chapter 1 (preview)

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"Hush," I hissed to the ceiling port, lightly slipping over to the window as it continued to ramble on behind me.

"Harley this is n-not a good idea." it scolded me in it's mechanical stuttering voice. "You will b-be caught and-"

"Off!" I whisper shouted at the machine, the metallic speaking slowing to a slur before going completely silent. I heaved an irritated sigh, turning back to the window and pressing the hatch button, watching as the frame clicked and hissed then slowly swung outward.

Just as it opened to it's full width a small pebble flew through the circular opening, missing my face by a few inches. I leaned my head out looking down at the boy, and scrunching my face. "Would you quit it? This isn't the 20th century Ashton you don't throw rocks at windows."

Even from above I could hear his contagous cackle and I fought a smile off my face. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, surely there would be watch Sarges hovering around by now.

"You are going to get caught standing in the open like that," I said, poking my head further out the opening and peering around. "Especially Uncle has Metros everywhere."

He waved a hand at me, "ah," he said, scrunching his face in play, "don't worry about them. I'd be surprised if the Metros could sense a bomb detonating."

I took a moment to look at him, my head cocked to the left. He wore the old school skinny jeans that I was told were worn back in the 2030's, and a loose black tank top with some weird scribble on it. He was so different. So weird. I'd never met anyone like him before. I had never met one of them before.

He was a Rougher.

"We are gonna get caught," I warned, a small smile hinting on my lips.

And I was a Pure.

He paused a moment, grinning back up at me before dropping his hover board to the ground, starting it up and hopping on as it rose up to my level on the 4th floor. He hovered two meters away from my window, looking in directly at me with that same mischeivious grin on his face.

"Only if we let em."

Should I continue?

it'll be kind of a mix between the book series 'Uglies' type of futuristic theme and 'The Maze runner' theme but with 5sos (and maybe one direction) characters..

Vote and/or comment your opinions because I'm not sure if it's worth writing if no one will read it!


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