Chapter 2

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2 months earlier...

"Goodmorning Harley." the metallic voice of the Ceiling Port spoke.

I fluttered open my eyes, sighing as I sat up in bed. I had been up for a while now, but as one of the many motto's in The Pure says, "Everyone needs their beauty rest.". But mistakenly, this motto only sounds like a suggestion when in reality, it's a requirement. At least 9 hours of "Beauty Rest", the amount of time gradually increasing as Pures age.

"Thanks." I mumble to it, standing up as the mechanical arms took over, reaching out from the underneath of my bed and beginning to make it, putting it perfectly back in place.

I strip down, taking my place in the small bathroom pod as the thin door slides closed behind me. The process starts as it usually does, pressurized streams of water shoot at my body and hair from all over,  the machine wasting no time before latching onto my hair, scrubbing my scalp and rinsing before emitting a loud beep. Cascades of wind blow from holes in the top of the pod, drying my hair and body to a crisp. The door slides open once more and I step out.

As usual, clothes have been placed for me on the counter outside the pod. I quickly dress, taking a seat in front of the mirror as I wait for Ms. Kai to arrive as she does every morning. You see, here in The Pure, life is a routine. You wake up, fix yourself to perfection, as anything less than perfection is unacceptable in The Pure, then you go about your day. Well, until 10 pm, that's curfew.

"Hello beautiful," the familiar perky voice invades my thoughts. I smile, turning around to face the women, Ms. Kai. She stands dressed in a florescent green dress, the end of it sticking out as if there was a rod stitched into the fabric. Her hair pulled back into a tight, perfect bun, showing off her perfect features on her perfect face. 

"So what do we have on the schedule today?" she asks, setting her bag down and examining my face as she does everyday.

"The same as every other day," I sigh as she pulls my eyelid up, carefully putting in each contact. "What color is it this time?" I ask curious, trying to peek in the mirror.

"Purple," she says, handing me a small mirror to watch, "To match your dress." 

I look down at my dress as she quickly attaches fake eyelashes, finishing off my make up. My dress is semi similar to hers, a silky shiny purple fabric but less rigid as I am quite a bit younger than her. "There," she says, biting onto her lip in concentration. "You're good to go." she says with one last smile, packing away her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Thanks," I smile shyly, barely meeting her gaze. "See you tomorrow."

She smiles, disappearing from the room and leaving me to myself. As soon as she's out of site I shoot up out of my seat, quickly hurrying over to the mirror. Sure enough, my eyes are now a bright purple, my eyelashes long and full with colored rhinestones on the tips, all completely coordinating perfectly with my dress.

As a seventeen year old and native to The Pure, I should be used to this odd glamour by now. But everyday I'm star struck by this city and the people that fill it. I walk over to my window, opening the large circular hatch and peering out over the city. I often think to myself of how perfect the view is, as is everything in The Pure. My uncles tower in which I live stands in the very middle of the city, everything else literally revolving around it, therefore giving me the most breathtaking view.

From the window I can see everything. City circle, entertainment spot, and if I look really close, I can see all the way to the boundary line. You see, the city of The Pure lives in one big dome I guess you could call it. Like an invisible wall surrounding the entire area. Thanks to the fighting years ago, the dome is a necessity.

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