Chapter 5

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"Someone's at the door for you, Miss Harley."

It was two days later and my punishment had been extended. My Uncle had geniously decided after leaving for headquarters that first day that, "Curfew was too big a deal to be skimmed over."

So for the last two days I had been cooped up in my room. Spending the days blindly talking to Nigel and staring out the window at the Pures that weren't forced to stay home. Of course I wasn't forced to stay in my room. I was given full range of the tower, but that meant nothing to me. With no friends or company besides Nigel and the other electronic superiors, I was solitary. My Uncle knew how to get his point across.

"Really?" I beamed up at Nigel, standing up from my bed quickly and clasping my hands together.

"Yes. Ms.Rylin will be here to get you in exactly 30 seconds." he spoke choppily, beeping then powering down automatically.

I quickly ran over to the mirror, smoothing out my dress and fluffing my hair. Thank fully even when at home in The Pure you must look your best; And Ms. Kai had come by this morning and done my make up and the rest of my appearance. I silently thank her as I take a seat on my bed, just as Mrs. Rylin barges into my room, making me stand right back up again excitedly. 

"You have company," she says sternly, tucking her holotablet under her arm and motioning for me to follow her, which I do hurriedly. 

After being almost completely alone for two days I was anxious for some real human interact meant. Like they say, misery loves company.

As we step out of the shoot and into the front entrance room of the tower, I stop in my tracks. I was expecting maybe Zaria or Bebe. Both even. But instead, I find Axton. He stands with his hands tucked in the pockets of his shorts, his shirt a crisp blue button up with the sleeves rolled up tastefully.

His lips curl into a smirk as he sees me stopped outside the shoot. I quickly compose myself, relaxing my shoulders and adjusting my posture as I was always told to do. 

"Harley," he says coolly, his smirk growing as I awkwardly walk into his open arms for a hug.

I take a step back, looking over my shoulder briefly to see that Mrs. Rylin has disappeared somewhere into the maze we call a tower without a single word. "Hey," I breath with a small smile, tucking my hair behind my ear then holding my hands together in front of me.

"Where've you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you but it's kind of hard when I don't have your number." he chuckles, the smirk still plastered to his lips. 

My heart flutters and his smirk only grows at my uncomfortable movements. "Yeah, I am sorry about that. I have been grounded for the past couple days. Curfew issues.." I say, waving off the topic.

He tilts his head back comfortably, eyeing me through his lashes. "Yeah, I think Zaria mentioned that."

I cocked my head. "You talked to Zaria?"

It wasn't like Axton to go out of his way to get to girl. I was suddenly intrigued by the new side of this small conversation. I watched closely at the way nodded his head, his plump lips moving slowly as he spoke.

"I saw Bebe and her at the shops yesterday and I wanted to say hey," He paused. "And to see if you were with them." 

My heart fluttered again and I found myself flirtatiously blinking my eyelashes, the tips touching down to the tops of my cheekbones. I swayed involuntarily, my simple yellow dress moving with me. 

It was silent for a moment as we held each others gaze. He wet his lips with his tongue swiftly, glancing down then back at me with a cocky expression on his face. "So I was wondering," he started, taking a step forward. "Grab dinner with me tomorrow? Around 5 maybe?"

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