Chapter 4

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It was two weeks after the party. The buzz of the black out that night in the Sky House and the possible Rougher sighting there had dimmed down. Because who would believe dozens of completely wasted teenagers saying they had seen a boy from The Rough?

But even though the media may have let the story go, didn't mean the people did. Everywhere I went from the night of the party on had caused a crowd of people to gather around me, asking me questions about the boy that I couldn't answer even if I tried. That, or the constant stares and glares of envy of the Pures around me.

You see, even though people of the Pure should be completely repulsed by the imperfections of a Rougher, which most are don't get me wrong, the publicity of being the guy or girl to run into them, twice? Well, your quote unquote fame skyrockets.

Bebe and I walk around the Shop Palace that evening. Which has an odd name considering you don't actually "shop" or buy things you want; It's always free. I take her lead, following her into stores as she rambles on and on with meaningless chatter. "and then- woah this is cute, should I get it? Anyways, then he took me outside and we went to the Hide Out!"

I had began to regret asking Bebe what happened to her the night of the party. Mostly because it resulted in a 20 minutes story about how a guy sparked her interest then took her to the teen Hide Out later that night. Which is basically where lovers go to be alone. I zoned out after the first 5 minutes.

But a statement that escaped her lips a moment later caught my attention. "Wait, what?" I said pausing in my steps.

She turned to face me, that same ditsy and out of it look on her face as always. "Hm?" She began looking through the racks.

"No, what did you just say?" I pressed, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Oh, I said did you know that there's an award for whoever captures that Rougher kid that's been running around for the past month?" She continued to look through the racks nonchalantly, as if that information meant nothing to her.

"What do you mean 'award'?" I tried gaining her attention back, putting a hand on the dress she held up to look at.

She pouted her lips at my actions. "Stop Harls," She moved the dress away from my hand.

I huffed. "Then answer me," I said, pausing briefly. "and do not call me Harls."

She smiled brightly, waltzing over to the front desk and packaging the dress before turning back to me. "I really don't see why you're so interested," We walked out of the store, and she paused to adjust her hair in one of the many mirrors hanging around The Pure. "It's just a dirty Rougher boy."

Something inside me burned when she said those words but I quickly shook it off. She was right. I shouldn't care so much. It was just some boy that didn't belong in The Pure to start with.

I decided to drop the matter, and I could tell Bebe noticed by the way a sly smile spread across her face. The late evening was starting to fall over us, and the sun slowly disappeared into the distance. We made one last stop at a shoe store that Bebe claimed "everyone was going to". 

"I think I am gonna hang out here." I spoke as she walked through the front entrance, her hips shaking as she went. I wasn't in the mood for shoe shopping, especially with Bebe who I knew would parade around the store for at least 30 minutes.

"Kay, I'll be out soon." she said sweetly, blowing a kiss over her shoulder at me.

I sighed, leaning against the brick wall outside the shop and crossing my arms over my chest. My light blue baby doll dress blew in the night breeze as the sun made it's final appearance then left completely. Almost instantly, lights from all around me illuminated the briefly dark area, as if they were on some sort of timer.

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