Chapter 3

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It's the next evening and there's half an hour left before the party at the Sky House. Zaria and Bebe lay sprawled across my bed in my Uncle's tower, their noses shoved into their holophones. I honestly don't blame them. Ever since the incident with the boy yesterday, it's all everyone's been talking about.

The fact that an actual Rougher was spotted in the city yesterday has gotten everyone worked up with curiosity. My holophone has been blowing up with hologram texts non stop since word spread about him practically running over me.

"I still can't believe it," Zaria huffs, dropping her electronic on the bed. I look at her over my shoulder as I stand examining my dress for the night, raising my eyebrows slightly. "The nerve of that..that Rougher to tackle you to the ground. Then kiss your hand!"

I turn away, rolling my eyes and chuckling. 

"You can't possibly think this is funny Harley," she continues, standing and zipping up my dress for me almost as if on cue. I ignore her previous statement and thank her, walking back over to the mirror.

"Harley," she groans. "You're like Pure royalty, he can't get away with that."

I turn to face her, placing my hand on my hip and giving her an 'are you serious' look.

"She's right Harley," Bebe sighs, sitting up on the bed. "You're the neice of the most powerful man in The Pure. That doesn't go unnoticed.."

I stand in front of the mirror, admiring the perfect waves my blonde hair fell in and the way my now bright gold eyes brought out my cheek bones. I'd have to thank Ms. Kai later for doing such a fantastic job on my wardrobe and make up today.

"Harley," Zaria huffs, "Are you listening?"

They both stand behind me, arms folded across their chests like some kind of alliance.

"15 minutes till the party Harley." the robotic voice of the ceiling port speaks, and I look up at the small box on the ceiling.

"Thanks." I sigh to it, turning back towards my friends. 

"You guys are over reacting." I say, grabbing my purse and walking towards the door. They follow and we ride the shoot to the main floor.

"No we're not," Bebe adds, stepping into our waiting hover lift, the chauffeur closing the door behind us before starting up the device and taking off. I watch as we lift from the ground, my Uncles tower growing smaller and smaller as we move towards the Sky House.

"That boy was a Rougher in, from The Rough." she continued, pausing for effect. "How could one of them even get in here? The dome barrier blocks any entrance from an outside force."

"Maybe he lives in the city." I say casually, shrugging my shoulders and looking back out the window. I feel they're wide eyed gazes on me and I look back to them. "What?" I ask sheepishly.

Zaria shifts uncomfortably in her seat, obviously piecing together whatever she's about to say. I really didn't see what the big deal was. Roughers have been known to break into the city every now and then. What makes this time any different? Oh wait, he had a run in with me. Harley Kraus. And just like Bebe said, a Rougher having a run in with the niece of the most important man in The Pure will not go unnoticed.

"You're taking this too easy Harley," Zaria says after a while, causing me to immediately cock my head at her.

"Well how should I be taking it then?" I defend, looking back and forth between the two. "It is not like he tried to attack me or something crazy like that. Yes, I understand that he is a Rougher, and I know that their presence is no where near allowed in the city. But it is done and over with, there is nothing I can do about it now and over thinking it will help none."

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