Are you ready for - a cabinet meeting

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After some time - which for me might have been 1 minute but for the real world about an hour . Just another reason why me and life never got along . Knock , knock , knock ....... knock , knock , knock ........ knock , knock .......... okay - that's my sleep deprived homie . I get up from my seat and open the door whilst being met with an Alexander stumbling over . Lemme get him hyped up a lil bit "Ready to debate Jefferson ?" they've merely met each other yet mentioning his name seems to get him into 'i'm gonna debate yo ass mode' real quick .

Alexander took in a deep breath ....

And began ranting about Jefferson . It's truly impressive how much he can talk about something he has a little knowledge of . "Oh yea , by the way . You are aware that you're joining me against Jefferson , right ?" ... "Why am I never told about this !" it's true . They just expect me to know I'm joining Lexi . "You usually join me so I never thought it would be such a shock" I just sighed "You got a point but that doesn't mean that Washington can't decide to place me on the other side , ya know" if I agree with the person there seems to be no reason for me to be on Alex's side . "True " with that we finish that debate and carry on about our day , his interesting and my uninteresting life .... and he brought Jefferson up again . At this point you can't blame me if I space out .

The way the cabinet meetings work is that there's two main people debating . Sometimes you'll have a person either there for moral support or to debate alongside those main people . That's what I do . I much prefer to debate with Alex instead of saying one word and just standing there like Madison . We debate in a public place and either try to win over the public or the president himself .

We walked into the room where it happens . The stage where we would debate . There's quite a lot of people already gathered up . I can spot John - he's most likely just gonna look at Alexander the whole time , Eliza and Peggy - gotta love the Schuyler sisters , Laffy ! - with his height he was easy to spot . Is that it ? Oh no . I see Herc with his girlfriend . She's a short brunette that loves to draw and I ship them so much ! (cough Angela cough) There's of course other people but I don't recognize them .

"Ladies and gentleman !" jesus christ ! Warn me next time ! I just quickly re-positioned myself and faced Jefferson . He winked at me and I just stared at him unamused yet he just smirked . What is his plan ? What's his purpose ? Just ,what is he doing in general ?

"You choulda been anywhere in the world tonight , but you're here with us in New York City . Are you ready for a cabinet meeting !?" dammnnn , now I'm pumped for this ! Washington really made this sound exiting !

"The issue on the table : Secretary Hamilton's plan to assume state debt and establish a national bank " heh , I have full confidence in Alexander considering the country's economy . I can totally debate this ... hold up ... I was never told this was the topic of the debate ! Oh , what the hell !

"Secretary Jefferson , you  have the floor , sir ..." time to see what you can Jefferson ...... AND STOP LOOKING AT ME !

"Life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness . We fought for these ideals we shouldn't settle for less ! These are wise words , enterprising man quote 'em . Don't act surprised , you guys , cuz I wrote 'em " Madison added a 'owwww' in the background . Madds . Ma boi . What are you doing ?

If I pay attention to this I will just get fired up ... orrrrrr I can just not listen and enjoy some peace and day dream ... sigh . Dammit ! I can't because of the meeting later !

"Not true!" wait what happened ...? Is Madison ... taking notes ? Yes ! I can read over them and not be clueless . Sheeeeesh he looks angry writing . I mean , just look at that quill . It's moving so fast !

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