Chapter 1

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Chapter one

Celeste POV

Piercing rings filled the room, making me groan. Using my hand I knocked over several of my things that were organized clearly on my bed side table, onto the floor as I searched for the nuisance that is called my alarm clock. When my hand finally brushes against it, using all of my strength, I slammed my hand down on the alarm, causing it to flatten out like a pancake and die. Just kidding, my arms don’t have that much power to flatten my alarm clock down. Not like my brothers and sister who always need new alarm clocks 5 times a week, because of the way they abuse it.

When the shrilling noise stops, I turn over trying to go back to sleep, however a flood of light glares down on my face, causing me to groan out loud; pulling my cream covers over my head whilst turning the other way. I think I forgot to close my curtain last night, before I climbed into bed.

In couple of seconds I was nearly back in dream land. Nearly being the important part of that sentence, as before unconsciousness reeled me back in, my bedroom door slammed open. The next thing I feel is large weight over my body, squeezing the life out of me.

“Get up Celeste! Get up! You’re finally turning 16. Can you believe it? My baby little sister is finally turning 16.” Helene shouted in my ears.

If my covers weren’t protecting my ears, then I know for sure that she would have burst my eardrums. My poor ear drums. My poor beautiful ear drums.

“Helene will you shut up and get your heavy ass of me. You’re literally killing me here.” I grumbled under my covers.

She quickly got off me, allowing precious oxygen to flow inside me. I sat up while pulling the covers down my body as I faced my sister who now sat perfectly on my bed with her long legs crossed over. Her waist length blond hair flowed down in straight lines, the sunlight hitting her golden strands and making her look unearthly, as if she did not belong here.

Her heart shaped face held a smile that caused her emerald green eyes to glint. Today she was wearing a plain knee length dark green dress that made her eyes look brighter and her tanned skin to stand out. Over all, Helene was perfection. She was what every girl wanted to be like and every boy wanted to be her boyfriend. Who wouldn't?

While I on the other hand, was the complete opposite of my sister. I had midnight black hair that fell down in waves down to my waist. We both had a heart shaped face that was inherited from our mother, along with our cupid bow lips. However I also inherited my mother cheek dimples while Helene didn’t. Those are the only features that I inherited from my mother. My eyes were an amethyst purple. My father tells me that I inherited them from my grandmother on my father’s side. I stood at 5 feet tall, making me the shortest one in the family.

“Why you looking at me like that for, Helene?” I asked my sister as she carried on looking at me.

“It’s because stupid, you’re finally turning sixteen. Aren’t you happy? You’re finally getting what you always wanted!” She spoke as she bounced up and down by bed, her body shaking with excitement.

“What on earth are you speaking about? Are mom and dad getting me my dream car? Or are they finally accepting that I don’t need bodyguards more like guard dogs?” I spoke loud and clear but mumbled the last bit about the guard dogs. Hoping Helene didn’t hear what I said, but from her raised eyebrow it seemed that she had.

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