Chapter 6

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Sorry guys for not updating for such a long time, my grandmother died this summer and life was a bit hectic. As well I was having a bit of an author block on how I should carry it on. After thinking about it, I’ll keep the whole book in Celeste point of view. I might do some special chapter in other pov but am not too sure at the moment. Thank you for reading & sorry for the late update.


 Chapter 6




Rom pulled me toward him into a bone crushing hug. I blinked my eyes to stop the tears from leaking.

“Don’t cry Celli, anything but that. I won’t do something that reckless. I won’t ever put you into danger again.” Rom whispered into my ears. We stood there for a couple of minutes absorbing each other warmth, when someone coughed behind us rudely, interrupting us.

We both pulled away and looked at the culprit, who barges straight in between us, making both me and Rom take a couple steps back. Electrical shocks and shivers ran up and down my petite body, which is suddenly doused out with cold air as he took the warmth away with him.

“Get a fucking room already!”  The wolf stranger said as he glared back at me as strides down the corridor, disappears as he turns into other corridor, as if he owned the place.

“What the bloody heck is his problem? I feel I like I could rip him into shreds right this moment from his disrespectful behavior.” It made me uncomfortable with Rom’s threats, for some reason I didn’t want him, a total stranger getting hurt. There’s something really wrong with me. Maybe I need to check up with the pack doctor.

“Just ignore him, Rom. He’s none of our business. But you can tell me what just happened in there with that pretty blondie. I still got 5 minutes. Make it brief. But tell me the whole thing at home.” I replied as I check my wrist watch.


Celeste POV

“Seriously, Celli it’s nothing really… was nothing. Which one makes more sense to you, Celli? I think ‘was nothing’ makes more sense…huh.”

I just raised one of my eyebrows at him, quietly asking if something was wrong with his head.

“Did you somehow hit your head between entering and leaving the office, that I somehow didn’t notice?” I asked folding my arms as I looked fixedly on Rom. Rom just shook his head confused by my question.

“Then why the hell are you changing the subject?”

“I’m not changing the subject, Celli. And language Missy.”

“You’re so totally changing the subject. By the way you’re shit at changing the subjects and you’re not my dad. Keep that in mind will you.”

“Whatever. Am gonna go now. Have fun” Rom turned and walked away. He’s not going anywhere until he gives me answers.

Without making a noise I ran after Rom and pounced on his back, wrapping my arms and legs around his body. This caused him to grab hold of my legs so that I wouldn’t fall off. Good thing I wore jeans rather than a dress or skirt or else people would have seen my underwear.

People walking up and down the corridors gave us weird glances; some of the girls were checking Rom out, even some of the male population. I couldn’t help myself as I chuckled to myself.

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