Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Celeste POV

The next morning I was shaken up by Rom.

“What the heck, Celli?”

“What Rom? Can’t you see am trying to sleep?” I grumbled as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“Don’t tell me you forgot to put the alarm? You did, didn’t you?” My eyes widen as I remember.



“Oh God” I whisper.

It’s my freaking first day, and I’m already late.

“It’s 6:45. Get ready and eat. I’ll drop you off at school. Good thing I woke up, or else you would be even later then you are now.” Rom nagged as he walked out of my bedroom door.

Jumping out of bed, I raced to my bathroom. Quickly turning on the shower, I stripped and jumped inside. Washing my whole body and my hair as quickly as possible, I got out, dried myself and wrapped the dark blue large and immensely soft towel around my body.  Walking out of the bathroom room, it was 7:03.

“Damn, I still need to dress and eat.” I talked out loud.

Making my way to my walk in closet, I wore the first thing I saw which were a black tank top with an oversize red cardigan, dark blue skinny jeans, along with my old time favorite; my converses. I put my charm bracelets, one of my pendants and my black leather wrist watch that told me it was 7:17. Putting on some mascara, eye liner and lip gloss quickly, I grabbed my backpack and made my way downstairs.

Rom was already down there, literally inhaling his food. I sat down opposite from him, and dug in. Rom being a top class chef, and having a long experience of cooking, around 100 years, he makes the most delicious food that will make anyone go fat.

We ate the pancakes, in silence, except on when we asked to pass something. It wasn’t awkward as we were too busy scoffing the food as fast as we could. After 15 minutes of eating, we were on the road heading to Rivermead High school.

It will take us 10 minutes to get there by car, 25 minutes when walking. The leaflet that the school sent home, informed us that school start at 8:00 in the morning and finishes around 2 in the afternoon. But for today, they needed me to come early so that I could fill in some paper work, that’s why Rom was with me.

“How you feeling Celli? Nervous? ”

“No shit Sherlock. Where on earth did you get assumption that I wasn’t nervous? It’s my freakin first day, bro. Of course I'm bloody nervous here, can’t you hear my heart beat?” Rom just shook his head, and laughed at my antics.

“You’ll be fine, Celli. You got nothing to worry about. I mean look at you, your smart, funny, adorable and beautiful. Don’t you know that people think you’re human, and for a human to look so unearthly, who should belong in the heavens, will certainly make their jaws drop.” Rom remarked.

“Thanks Rom. Y’know that you need to come with me inside the office to sign some papers.” I stated as Rom pulled his black Lamborghini aventador up in the visitors parking lot.

The school was huge, as it was the one of the two high schools in this town. The school was red bricked, and looked couple years old.

“Can’t believe this is still here.” Rom mumbled underneath his breath, but I still caught what he said.

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