Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



Next thing I know is I walked into a very hard wall, which made me lose my balance. As gravity was pulling me down, I closed my eyes tight, waiting for the impact that it will have on my ass. But I felt arms twisting around my waist and pulling me up. My eyes flashed open; my body slammed against something hard but very warm and my hands ended up touching skin.

Shit I walked into somebody.

That somebody is a guy.

And he is a werewolf.

Electric shocks went up my arm, and travel throughout my body. Moving my hands quickly from his biceps, I look up.

His ice blue grey eyes stared at me intently.

Celeste POV

Shivers racked up and down my petite body as those ice blue grey eyes turned into glaring daggers as his eyes switched from black to their original color to a golden yellow, then back. Damn, I don’t think I would be 6 ft. under; instead I would be 20 ft. under.

His pinewood and citrus scent drifted around me as I breathed in and out, making my mind confused as the only thing I could make out was how beautiful cold his eyes were and his somehow delicious scent.  

His warmth burnt into mine, where we made contact. It felt like I was going to burst into flames any moment now. His warmth snapped me out of my daze, as I realized that his arms were around my waist. Looking away from his eyes I took a step back, making him release his hold on me.

Was it just me, that felt like he was reluctant to move away from me? 

Nah… I don’t think so.

“Sorry…” I whispered under my breath, as I knew he would be able to hear me without any difficulty.

It felt like hours as I stayed in his arms, but realized it had only been a moment, as Rom was rushing to me, in his human pace. Don’t want them finding out other werewolves without their Alpha's permission are on their land. It will make the alpha go nuts, that’s what Conan says.

Damn it felt longer than a couple of seconds…

Does time slow down like that?

Is it possible for time to slow down like that?

Am I getting some powers?

Did I do that accidentally?

Oh gosh I hoped I didn’t…

I don’t think time slowed down, but it sure felt like it.

All those thought whirled around in my mind as I tried to find a reason why it felt different, like the whole universe just turned upside down in just that one second, after meeting... more like bumping into him.

“Celli, are you ok?” Rom got tome in less than 1 minute since I bumped into the wolf stranger.

Nodding my head I look at my brother, who seemed tense, as his jaws was clenched tight together, his hand rolled into a fist and his amethyst eyes cold with a ‘you’re dead’ glare as he looked fixedly on the wolf stranger behind me.

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