Prolouge: Part 1

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New Donk City, 1981.

The City of New Donk. A place where many people go to follow their dreams, a place where the people never sleep, a place where two brothers were trying to make it big in the Plumbing Industry.

The Eldest Brother was a man by the name of Mario Mario. He wore bright red overalls with a blue shirt, and a red hat. He was somewhat the founder and Main Owner of the Mario Bros. Plumbing. He looked like he was in his late 20's, and had a mustache so big that it looked like it was plastered onto his face. Mario often had dreams of one day getting out of New Donk City to one day see the world, and maybe finally become the hero of his own story. Hopefully one day, they get that 'One Good Job' to set them on that path.

Then there was his younger brother Luigi. He was taller, a tad bit less round than his older brother, and somewhat more social despite him being considered a coward to some people. He wore white overalls and hat with a green shirt. He somewhat looked like he was in his early 20's. He was moreover the Plumber in training when it came down to it. During his younger years, he often was made fun of and delcared the King of 'Second Bananas'. Because of this he constantly tries to prove to himself and others that he wasn't just the 'Second Plumber' Much to Mario's dismay.


It was around the time of sunset in New Donk City. The window stores were closing up for the night, the street vendor's were setting up shop, and the street lights had just turned on. You can hear the gentle spring breeze as random garbage gets blown away across the streets. Then there were the silent echoes of police sirens and people yelling for a Taxi.

Mario and Luigi entered their apartment building, completely exausted. Mario was soaking wet in a questionable substance. Luigi had Crab claw pinches and turtle bites all over his body. The new Turtle and Crab infestation was drumming up a lot of business for the two, but it was running them both ragged.

"Mamma-Mia. Mario, how many was-a that today?" Luigi said as he pulled off a crab that was pinching on his rear end.

"Almost Eight different sewer lines Luigi. Those crabs and Turtles aint gonna clear-a themselves."

Then Mario saw on the answering machine that the red light was flashing, meaning they had another job........for tomorrow. Mario pushed the button and te message played.

'BEEP. You have One Message.' Then a voice came up that both brothers recognized on TV, the radio, and from his old days from when he was part of the Wrecking Crew. One that Mario really didn't like. Mayor Forman Spike. The most despicable guy that Mario had the displeasure of working with. They were once both on the same Wrecking Crew, always smashing down walls and knocking him off the platform all the time. When he became Mayor, a lot of changes happened around the city for the worst. Jobs were down, Crime was up, even the garbage men barely came by their block anymore. Mario with great bitterness, wondered why a guy like him even thought about contacting him. He pushed the button to let the message play.

"Yo Mario losers! It's Mayor Forman Spike! I Got a job for you! It involves the New Donk City Central Park Fountain up n' running by 4 P.M. Tomorrow. Needs to be in tip top shape for the Annual Festival Tomorrow! I'd be happy to pay handsomely, unless you and your brother wanna stay in the boonies forever of course. Later Mario losers!"

"Wow, what-a jerk! Were not-a gonna take a job from-a the likes of him, are we Mario?" Luigi said as he dried off his hair.

Mario let out a sigh and say "A jobs a job Luigi. We need the money." Mario said sound in a defeated tone.

"Get-a some sleep Luigi. Tomorrows' gonna be a long-a day fixing that fountain."
Luigi walked to his bedroom with a low grumble. He knew they both really needed the money, but the very least he should keep his integrity.

The Next Day, Mario and Luigi were standing near the street entrance of New Donk City Central. Their tools were clipped to their belt and wearing fresh clean overalls for the day.

They saw all the workers were setting up for the festival. One group were setting up for the jumbo screens, placing red girders on the side of buildings so they can stand upright. Drums of oil and barrels of various items were being carried upwards by a crane. Another group were setting up the stage for the singing act, Mario and luigi was often curious on who would be the act this year, it was always either a Jazz band or some bimbo who was tone death in every sense of the word. Then there was the final group setting up for some new kind of attraction, whatever it was it looked like it needed a lot of space and security.

"Hey-a Mario, you think when we're done fixing the fountain, we could stick around for the festival?" Luigi asked.

"I dunno Luigi. These-a festivals weren't-a always as fun as when we were kids-a."
"Aww come on. We've been-a working for the past week and a half. We could-a at least see the singing performance." Luigi pleaded.

Mario thought about it, his brother was wright. They have been working their gloved fingers to the bone for weeks now, It wasn't healthy for either of them. "Okay Luigi. Only for the-a Performance."

They walked toward the fountain, it was either not shooting out water, or shooting out water like nobody's business. Mario pulled out his wrench, Luigi pulled out his hammer. They went to work.


They finished fixing the fountain within a few hours, it now flows perfectly. Water pressure not too weak nor too strong. Just in time for the festival to start. There were many stands that sold various carnival food, carnival games, even a few small rides for the children. Mario and Luigi were enjoying cotton candy waiting at the stage along with a few other people. Luigi was somewhat excited, Mario wasn't really impressed.

"Well Well Well, If it isnt my hired Monkeys!" A voice said in a cocky tone.

"Mumma-Mia." Mario said in a sigh. He knows who this guy was. Mayor Forman Spike. They both Turned around to see the Mayor of New Donk. Hair slicked back, beard that covers up his neck, and a regular suit with a tie decorated with Dollar signs. He had the kind of smile that you wanted to punch right off his face, witch was something Mario desperately wanted to do. Sadly he couldn't unless he wanted to go to prison for assaulting an elected official.

"Enjoying the Festival so far Monkeys?" Forman asked

"Yeah, Until-a you showed up." Mario said with a bit of discontent.

"Oh is that right? Too bad, I dont gave a hoot on what two boonie plumbers think."

"Boonie!?" Mario said clenching is fists. But Luigi put his arm in front of him, signalling him to let it go.

"Whatever, Is the fountain done? I don't pay you for slacking off." Forman said with his arms crossed.

"Yes, As-a you can see." Luigi said pointing at the fountain.

"Good, I dont want anything mess up this Festival, kinda needed for my Re-election and all. Besides, the blondie broad I hired for the stage isn't even the real attraction."
"Then what is-a it?" Luigi inquired

"You know that island far off the coast of New Donk?"

"Donk Island?"

"Yeah, Guess who managed to get some rare and exotic creatures from said island? Then make said creatures do tricks?"

Luigi let out a gasp and said "That's-a Horrible!"

"Who cares? Their mindless animals." Then it was Mario's turn to make Luigi let it go.

"Who cares what you two think? All I gotta do is turn on the Ol' Forman Charm and I win." He turns around and says "See Ya Mario Losers." Then walks off.

"What a Blowhard! We aren't-a Loseres! Right Mario!" Luigi said as he clenched his fist.

"Yeah Luigi! Who cares what that-a sleezebag says." Mario said as he took a bite out of his cotton candy.

At that moment, the Announcer said over the PA System. "Ladies and Gentlemen. The 125th Annual New Donk City Festival Proudly presents, Pauline!"

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