Chapter 1

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New Donk City, Many years Later.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* Pauline's alarm clock went off with a loud and obnoxious ring. It was so loud she could it made her headaches start to kick in. Out of the massive pile of blankets on the bed stretched out a hand. It pushed the snooze button, but the alarm didn't turn off. She tapped the snooze button even harder, but no shutoff. Then the hand finally picked up the alarm clock and smashed it on the dresser, the alarm stopped.

Pauline stretched and stirred to life and sat up from her bed. She wore red silk pajamas and a sleeping mask over her eyes. Her chestnut brown hair was very messy due to all of her tossing and turning. She got up and stretched to life, she was wondering just one thing. 'What will today bring me?' She looked out the window of her apartment, it was a nice summer morning. The Pigeons were cooing and the flowers were starting to bloom.

She quickly got her morning routine out of the way, Shower, Brushed her teeth, and changed into her signature Scarlet red suit. She walked out of her room and walked down her hallway, passing a few framed items. Old Newspaper Articles Titled 'Local Plumber saves Woman from rampaging Gorilla!' and 'Former Mayor Forman Spike Arrested for Embezzlement and Neglagence'. Then there was her Diploma for Graduating Business School with honors. On top of a shelf in a small glass dome was the first toy she had ever designed for her Toy Company. It was a little robotic turtle with a windup key in its back.

She saw her phone vibrate and her ringtone was the New Donk City Anthem.

She picked it up and looked at the Caller ID. It was her assistant Ella. She quickly picked up her phone and answered.

"Good Morning Miss Pauline!" She said in her usually chipper voice.

"Good morning Ella. What's on today's agenda?"

"Well-" She pauses to look at something then resumed by saying "A book reading at New Donk Elementary School, Followed by a ribbon cutting opening the new Public Park, A Meeting with someone called......Kam-ech? Then finally a Meeting for the preparations for the New Donk City Music Festival." She said listing them all off

"Any Updates on the Rolling Blackouts?"

"The Repairman are trying their hardest, but as of right now there are no new updates Miss Pauline." 

"Oh, That might be a problem later on. Keep me updated will you?"

"Of Course, Your Limousine will be here in a few short minutes." Ella said as she hung up.

She waited outside her apartment building, suitcase in hand.

The Book Reading to the Elementary Children went off without a hitch. She read a simple book called 'The Woman of the Stars'. It was a very bittersweet story, she even let one of the children sit next to her and read a few pages as well. She was a tad bit annoyed she had to read while all the reporters were continuously taking pictures and the flash was repeatedly in her and the children's eyes.

The Ribbon Cutting ceremony went off with a few hiccups here and there. The Scissors she used to cut the ribbon were incredibly dull to the point she had to cut a few times to completely cut it in half. Then there was the microphone issue witch made her go in and out of the sound. She was never good with technology.


They made it to the City Hall. The Fountain that was destroyed all those years ago had been replaced with a metal seal of the Earth and the Moon. On the front of the building was a historical landmark of sorts.

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