Prolouge: Part 3

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"..............ario!..........Mario!...........Mario Wake Up!" Luigi said shaking his unconscious brother back to conciousness.

"W-what? Luigi, What-a happened?" Mario said, still trying to get his bearings.

"Donkey Kong escaped the cage. He's-a tearing up the festival! We gotta get-a out of here!" Luigi said fearfully, trying to help his brother up. Luigi put Mario's arm Around his shoulder and lifted him up.


Donkey Kong was rampaging through the games area of the festival completely enraged that these people took him away from his home! This area was completely new and he did NOT like it! He smashed food carts, threw trash cans, he was even strong enough to punch the fountain to pieces! Nothing could quench this mighty ape's thirst for revenge....until he heard a voice. A Heavenly voice that calmed him down the second he heard it. He turned around and saw a beautiful woman singing on a stage. Donkey Kong's basic instincts kicked in and hearts formed in his eyes. He pounded on his chest and let out another wicked loud roar. Scaring away the audience listening to Pauline sing.

The band stopped in the middle of their encore song wondering why their audience suddenly up and ran off. Then they saw the giant gorilla standing before them and they too ran in fear, leaving poor Pauline behind.

Pauline was too invested in her song, hitting her highest and longest note to even realize they stopped playing and everyone was gone. Once finished her high note and looked at her only audience member left. She hit an even higher note by screaming with pure terror. Donkey Kong hen Grabbed Pauline and put her over his shoulder and started to climb the central building behind the stage. 

Once he made it to the top of the first level of the building. He stomped with great force. Sending vibrations down the level, causing the jumbo screen on the side of the building to fall off and crash down on the ground. Revealing the red girders that held them in place, now in a more crooked position. Donkey Kong let out  out three loud roars. This time all of New Donk City could hear it.


Mario was now moving on his own, running alongside his brother away from the danger. But Luigi saw how there were still people and even children still stuck on the rides, he noticed the operators ran off and the rides were still going. Luigi knew in his gut, he had to do something.

"Mario, We Gott-a do something!" Luigi said, all of his cowardice turning into courage. He ran towards the out of control Tilt-a-whirl. But once he was halfway there, he was cut off by a barrel randomly falling out of the sky, breaking HARD on impact.

"M-MAMA-MIA!" Luigi yelled as he lost his footing and fell on his rear. The brothers looked up and saw that Donkey Kong was throwing barrels leftover from the construction crew. Once a News Chopper flew past Donkey Kong on the first level on the tower, Mario and Luigi could see on the other jumbo screens that the oversized gorilla had taken someone hostage. They recognized that red dress and blonde hair.

"Oh No! That Monkey took-a the singer woman!" Luigi said.

Mario looked at the jumbo screen, he saw the terrified look on her face and she was screaming 'HELP' So loudly that they practically became actual visible words. Then.......... Mario felt something in him he had never felt before, he had always tend to enjoy his life as a working man and Guardian to Luigi. But right now, all he knew was: she needed to be rescued.

Mario then started to run towards the central building.

"Mario! Where you-a going!?" Luigi yelled.

Mario stopped and yelled back "You go get-a every one outta here! I'm-a going for Donkey Kong!" And he resumed running. He ran dodging all of the barrels that Donkey Kong was throwing. Eventually climbing upwards until he was 25 Meters above ground. But then a question began surfacing through his head: How high can he get?

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