Chapter 2

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The Next Morning, New Donk City

The morning was awfully quiet. The only sound that filled the ambiance were the early birds trying to catch the worms....or where they bagles? The Traffic was in complete gridlock due to everyone trying to make it to their jobs on time, even the street performers began to find their place in the corners.

But for some odd reason, the sky was completely grey, no sign of any clouds or a single shred of sunlight. Although nobody seemed worried about the dreary looking day. Any normal person would assume it was going to rain that day.

But then they heard the copter blades spinning.



Pauline slammed her fist onto the snooze button. It didnt stop. She then slammed her fist on it twice, still didn't stop. Then she finally grabbed the clock and slammed it against her nightstand. It stopped.

Pauline let out a blissful sigh as she dozed back into dream land.

Then a loud rumble shook her whole apartment, making things vibrate off of her night tand, plates to fall out of the cabinets and shatter on the floor, even Pauline to fall out of bed.

She quickly sprang up and looked out of her window, trying to make out what had caused all these tremor like vibrations. She looked up in the sky and she got her answer. What she saw she couldn't really describe. It was some kind of......boat in the sky being held in the air by helicopter blades. The side of those ships hull had three cannons on each side and the front had some kind of....dragon monster statue head made of what she would assume, steel.

"......What?" She whispered to herself, very frightened and confused.

Then a few more of these airships flew above the buildings following the one that recently passed. Further causing more vibrations being sent throughout her  apartment. This time also causing a few car alarms on the ground below to sound off.

Pauline can only assume that in the direction they were all going was to New Donk Town Square.

She then jumped as she heard her phones ringtone again. She picked up her phone that had fallen on the floor and answered the call. It was Ella.

"Uh....Miss Pauline? Are you seeing this?" She asked.

"Ella, I cant physically see what you're seeing. Was it the flying ships?" She said in a very worried but serious tone.

"Turn on the TV."

Pauline ran to her living room and turned on her TV to the News channel. It was broadcasting live in New Donk Town Square. All the Air ships had landed in a U-shape. But two or three stayed in the air.

The News story was captioned 'Mysterious Ships land in Town Square'

"I think you should come down here." Ella said, her voice said with a bit of tremble.

Pauline heard the fear in her voice and said "I'm on my way." she scrambled to get dressed.

People were behind the Police line looking at the landed airships. Some were questioning how they could stay in the air, others were wondering where they originated from, and a few were wondering what the monster head statue on the front of each ship was.

Then the ship in the middle of the curve of the U-formation side hatch opened up. A lot of white smoke poured out. The Police came suddenly had their guard up. A few seconds passed and they all hear footsteps.

Second Chances By Linkman443Where stories live. Discover now