Chapter 7

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"You-a ready Luigi?" Mario asked screwing on the last bolt to their new 'Power Moon Switch Pipe System', or PMSPS for short.

"I'm-a ready as I'll ever be!" Luigi said, readying a small burst of Green Thunder. 

"Good. Start it up-a!"

Luigi then touched the Circuit breaker, the green lightning traveled along all the cables powering up the whole entire system. The Power Moon that stood in the generator finally gave out and turned to dust. But before the City wide blackout could ensue, the PMSPS switched it out for a bright green new Power Moon. 

"Holy Meatballs Mario! It-a works!" Luigi said with excitement. "Won't-a Pauline be impressed!"

They both jumped off their respective platforms and ended up in front of the control room door.

"Maybe she'll give-a you a big kiss!" Luigi said in a mocking tone.

"That-a stopped being funny seventeen-a pipes ago." Mario said in a bitter tone.

"Aw, Lighten up-a Mario. I know you have-a your sights set on-a Princess Peach. But you gotta admit, Pauline-a did well for herself over the-a years." Luigi said, taking note of her past success.

Mario sighed and said "Yes, I'll admit, It's-a nice to see she's-a doing fine." Then Mario and Luigi entered the control room, Both Pauline and Ella nowhere to be seen. The only item retaining to Pauline was her hat. On top of said hat was a letter that had a familiar symbol. A mustache in the shape of a W.

Mario quickly picked it up and opened the letter.

'Hello Losers! It's-a Me! Wario! Me and My partner in Crime took these-a two lovely broads as collateral! If-a you want to get-a them back! Meet us on-a New Donk Rooftops! Have a rotten day!' -Wario!

"Wario!" Mario said with annoyance and a hint of anger. He was always being a major nuisance to Mario in the Mushroom Kingdom. Always committing major theft crimes and cheating to win in the various competitions of the Mushroom Kingdom. Now he's resorted to kidnapping!

Mario crushed the note in his hands and said with a hint of anger "Luigi! Let's-a go!"


Pauline's eyes started to slowly open and began to adjust to sunlight again. After her adjustment, she saw she was outside again on top of one of the rooftops of New Donk City. She looked around and saw she was in broad daylight. She tried to get up, but she felt her arms and hands constricted by something, she now realised she was tied up to a chair. She tried to jerk herself away but something was weighing her down. She turned her head and saw her chair was tied back to back with an other chair, this other chair seated an unconcious Ella. Tied up and and bound to the chair like she was.

'Kidnapped twice in the same week, just peachy.' Pauline thought. But her thought was interrupted as she heard sinister laughing. She turned her head to as far as she could and saw the two men responsible for her current restrictions. In her eyes, they both looked like creepy knockoff versions of the Mario Bros. One was fat and somehow very muscular, the other was just impossibly tall and lanky. But she was too filled with outrage at the moment to even take note of their other features.

"Hey!" This caught the Partner's attention.

"What's the big idea tying up the Mayor! Untie me and my assistant this instant!" She demanded.

Wario stepped forward and got in Pauline's face and said "Lady, you aren't-a in any position to make-a demands!"

"Who are you two anyway?" Pauline asked.

Second Chances By Linkman443Where stories live. Discover now