Chapter 12

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Eliza's POV

A searing pain coursed through my body but I paid it no mind. All I could think about was the blood of Blake's splattering across my hands. I didn't know where all this anger was coming from but I knew it wasn't only from his attack. This was for every single time he tortured me, for every single time he wounded me with the harsh words from his mouth. I could of dealt with that another way but attacking my mate from behind crossed the line. I felt bones in my body pop one by one. And let me tell you, it hurt like a bitch. What's happening to me? I tried to push through the pain wanting so badly to so  rip out Blake's limbs with my bare hands, but it hurt so bad I couldn't move on.
My feet wobbled for a second and then gave out from up under me. I fell to the ground, but instead of where my hands would be, there were paws. Thick white fur covered my hands. I was so confused until I realized one thing. I just shifted. I can't believe after all this time I finally turned into a wolf! I started to get excited, but then realized the matter at hand, and that's when all the anger came back like a wrecking ball, hitting me straight in the head.

I whipped my head back to the brown wolf who was staring at me with wide eyes. I stalked towards him letting out a growl so powerful I could of sworn it was from Logan. Blake started to back away I could see the slight shaking of his fur. He looked... scared. Why would he be- oh. I towered Blake's size by a huge amount which is strange because he is huge, even for an Alpha.
My teeth pulled up in a snarl and snapped at him. I was about to attack with my legs already bent behind me when he did something unexpected. Blake tilted his head Back showing off his neck in submission. He then lowered his snout to his paws and bowed.
Why the hell is he bowing.
I turned to look at every one else and they were doing the same thing. Even Logan was on one knee with his head bowed I was so confused.
I tried shifting back but I realized I didn't know how. 'Try thinking of your human self' a voice echoed out throughout my head. 'Who are you?' I asked the voice. 'I am your wolf, Hali'
'Ok hi Hali do you know why everyone is bowing' instead of answering my question she stayed silent until a little voice was heard in my head. 'All will be revealed soon' I shook my head not knowing what that meant.
Following Hali's directions I thought of my human self and shifted. A moment to late I realized that when you shift your clothes get ripped.


I attempted to cover myself with my hands but felt the soft fabric of the top I left on before.
What the hell if going on!?!
I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the crowd of bowing people and I'm still confused as hell. I cleared my throat a little and spoke. "Is anyone going to explain to me what's going on and why you are all bowing cause I'm kind of confused." It was silent. Her Eyebrows squinted together. She turned, "Logan?". His back stiffened then rose. "What is going on" He didn't say anything for a second then opened my mouth and whispered to small words.
"My Goddess"

Sup Bitchachos I know this chapter sucks a lot and I mean a lot a lot but I was rushing before I go to bed. And I just want to thank people who read my book cause honestly I expected no one so thanks Byee 😘😘

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