Chapter 20

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Eliza's POV
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I screamed. The sight in front of me was absolutely horrendous. Ace stood in the kitchen eating my cookies that took me 3 hours to make.

As quickly I could, I grabbed the plate of cookies then smacked the one in Ace's hand to the floor.

He frowned at me while I glared at him. "Geesh Liz don't get your panties in a twist, they're just cookies."
Ace said offendedly.

"Yeah, but these cookies are for my loving mate not you"

At the moment Ace and I were trying to pack a picnic for Logan as a date. He seemed so upset lately that I wanted to make him feel better.

Ace helped me find a nice opening in the middle of the woods to set it up. He was in charge of decorating so I pray that he didn't screw it up.

After a while we had managed to fit all the food in a basket. "Here," I said, giving the basket to Ace, "Put this at the spot and make sure it's ready. And if you fuck this up, I will kill you." I growled sternly

Unbothered, Ace only smiled and nodded. I let out a sigh of relief, "Good, now I'm gonna go get ready then call Logan."

Ace nodded then leaned in for a hug. I gave him a tight squeeze before letting go, before I led he pulled me in "Good luck," he whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and smiled before running upstairs to change.

After a while of staring at my closet I decided on a plain white blouse and a plaid pink skirt. It was basic but it'll have to do.

I then decided to  start on my makeup . I looked at myself for a long second before realizing that I don't even have makeup.

I've been spending so much time training and being with Logan that I haven't really gotten around to getting things.

Most of the close I had were just things that other girls from the pack had given me with Logan's request.

For the second time this evening I stared at my self in the mirror, giving my self a long once over.
Would This be good enough for him? What if he hates it?

Anxiousness started gnawing at my gut. I bit my lip while my mind plays through anything that can go wrong

After a while of overthinking I finally Mustered up enough courage to call the love of my life.

"Hey" were his first words and omg did they feel good to hear. Butterflies filled my stomach and naturally, I started to grin.

"Hey Logan" I sigh dreamily. Somehow it still hard to realize he's mine, "Do you mind coming home early today?"

"Why what's wrong?" His voice immediately went dark as his tone became worried.

I let out a grin, knowing how much he cared about me made my heart melt, "Aww nothings wrong, I just want you to come home," I paused, "I miss you."

My comment was enough to make home easily comply. He hung up the phone after countless of "I love you's" and "see you soon's".

I let out a relieved sigh as I sat on my bed waiting for my perfect mate to come home.

I was silently praying and hoping that this date would be perfect.

But fate had never really been on my side.


Hola Bitchachos! Haven't seen you guys in a while 😘😘

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