Chapter 18

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Eliza's POV
Beads of sweat poured down my face like a waterfall. My breath became shorter with every step and punch I took. Though, the searing that coursed through my body was borderline unbearable I pushed through it. Determined not to give up.
The screaming sound of commands in my ear caused a ringing sensation throughout my head. I was close to fainting, I could feel it.
As a fist came towards my head I took one of my last efforts to duck. I don't know how much more of this shit I could take.
I struggled lifting my arm attempting to throw one last punch, but to my luck the command to stop bled through my ears in a relieving agony.
The second I stopped my body crumbled to the ground. Gasping for much needed air.

A small chuckle tore me out of my exasperated trance. I glared at the blue eyed boy in front of me. He was, in fact, the cause of my discomfort.
It has been one month since I've been training. Athena decided to call upon one of her soldiers to help train me, hence to guy in front of me.
The amusement in his eyes had somewhat set of a fuse in the pit of my stomach.
"You think this is funny? Me on the ground in fucking pain is entertaining to you?" My voice laced anger before a small whimper in pain escaped me.
The small laughter died down in his throat when he got a longer look at me. His eyes filled with worry.
"Crap, Liz, I didn't mean to work you that hard." His voice was sincere.
His arm was shoved in front of me in a gesture to help me up. Hesitantly, I grabbed it and he pulled me up. My body still ached but it was somewhat bearable to stand.
Slightly out of breath I spoke , "You really love to hurt me don't you,"
He frowned, "Come on, don't be like this. You know it's not intentional, but you really need to be prepared."
I sighed. "I know. But then again, no ones truly told me what I'm fighting for so..."
"You'll figure it out soon enough Liz, but right now you need to take a shower and go back to your mate."
The thought of Logan was enough to put a smile on my face. Though it being only three hours I sure as hell still miss him. I could feel the bond growing stronger every day and to be honest, I love it. Never in a million years would I think someone like him would love me. Guess I thought wrong.
Andree must have seen my puppy eyed expression because he smiled at me then pushed towards the way of the pack house.
"Bye Andree," I spoke turning around. But he was already gone
Sighing I started walking.
Though it was about four in the morning and still dark out, I've learned the way back to the pack house just by scent.

When reaching the pack house I walked upstairs into my bedroom and into the shower. I felt refreshed as the burning hot water sizzled against my skin, relieving my aches and pains. When I was content with my cleansing I turned the water off and left the shower. I slipped on a pair of shorts and one of Logan's T-shirts before sliding into the bed next to him.
The soft sound of snoring echoed throughout the room as I laid my head on Logan's chest.
This was where I belonged.
(Andree at the top)
Hola Bitchachos, nice to see you again. I am currently on a road trip to Colorado which is really long btw since I live in Georgia (23 hours to be exact). Hopefully I have a lot of fun. And also WTF 15,000 reads??? Thank you guys so freakin much. Writing means a lot for me so thank you.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Love You 😘😘

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