••×c h a p t e r 15ו•

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••×c h a p t e r  15ו•


I blew some strands of my hair that's covering my eyes as I boredly followed Night and Strom who's leading the way to the castle. The Dark Tribe Castle.

I didn't know that Night was some sort of prince here in underworld. He never told me that he's one of the royalties. And so as Storm! Well... After Night's sudden confession about being an underworld vampire prince, Storm admitted that he's one of the princes too. I have two royalties here. A vampire prince and an angel prince.

"Getting bored back there?" Night asked raising a brow. I just walked there with a frown.

Were now in the middle of the city, I can't help myself but to be amazed by the overflowing atmosphere. Well... It does look creepy and scary by looking at it from afar, but after seeing it with my own eyes from a nearer view, It was a magical place. Different beings scattered along the busy streets. Vampires, Wizards, Demons, and other beings was walking in the busy road.

I watched the busy city with my mouth slightly parted. Objects move by its own. Pitchers and plates floats in the air sending themselves to colorful tables, restaurants has girls with cat ears and tails as a waitress, monster cars driving fastly, and working creatures using magics and spells... I believe their the Mages and wizards.

"Amazing right?" Storm asked as I agreed nodding my head. "Its really cool here. However, angels home is really decent and unlike this."

The more we go further the more curiosity hits me.

"I was actually wondering why it looked so colorful and lively down here in the city... Well, I actually thought that down here would smell bloody and would look like hell just like how I find it when I first took a glance of this underworld." I exclaimed in amazement.

However, Night just chuckled at my portrayal of underworld. He stood beside me swaying his arm on my shoulder.

"Actually Mist, underworld is a lively world. But there!" He pointed the dark castle. "That exactly has the same ambience as hell."

I gulped staring at the the castle. The more we get nearer to the place, the more the lively surroundings started to departure.

There left in front of us was a path with dark big trees on the sides. The path was elevated sending us to the highest peek where the castle was located.

"There are three kings inside this castle." Night informed. "The Wizard King... The Demon King... And The Vampire King, My father."

In front of us was a wide black gate with rust all over the grills. There stood two armored guards who simply let us in as soon as they saw Night's eyes who gleamed red for a splint second.

We walked to the big milieu where garden of roses leads the way to the grand door. We walked inside the castle as I got myself squeezed near to Storm as he hold onto me tightly... Maybe, scared?

"His father is really scary." Storm whispered. "I hope we don't walked passed him. Last time I came here I bumped onto him. I thought his gonna kill me and use my blood as wine."

I chuckled lightly at his sudden confession. "Really? How did you manage to escape?"

"Night saved me." He pouted.

We walked passed through the red walls walking on the red carpet that is lying on the golden tiled floor. This castle really looked so expensive yet creepy as scary paintings of old people hang on the red with white crystal walls scattered.

"And we're here!" Night exclaimed. We stopped in front of a big door as he slammed the door open.

Our mouth alalmost fell on the ground as we saw the sight of a broad shouldered man hovering on top of a naked blond girl and another brunette girl jerking off his dick.

My immediate action was to look away along with Storm, but not Night. He stood there boredly staring at the three who was having some intimate threesome. Night walked in throwing blankets at the two girls as he walked towards the broad shouldered hyung who got his most annoyed expression on his face now.

"For a second. Would you bitches please get out?" Night exclaimed his eyes never left his brother I assumed?

The b... Err, bitches went out.

"Tsh! What are you doing here Night!?" He deadpanned.

"I'm here to get you! You stupid hyung! The head master has been looking for you!" He shouted unrespectfuly.

He's brother flinch as shock invaded his face. He abruptly stood up wearing his jeans along with his sweatshirt running his hands through his hair. He walked fast towards us.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot I was working!" He exclaimed, loudly gasping. "Why didn't you told me Night!? You know I was bad at remembering!"

"Are you an idiot!? That's exactly the reason why I'm here!" Night snapped at him.

Storm and I just stood there awkwardly staring at the two.

"Oh right! And... Why'd you bring him here?" His hyung asked pointing at me.

Night gasped as he run towards me and Storm shutting the door behind us as he took us both inside.

"Shit! I forgot!" He mumbled.

"Tsh! YOU'RE the idiot!" His hyung deadpanned at him. "By the way, the names Shield. I'm a vampire and I'm the one who's in charge of finding more information about you."

I got a bit startled when he looked at me saying that he's in charge of something about me. However, I haven't even talked one single thing when he said something again.

"You're not allowed to go here Mist. Your grandfather, the demon king... Has exiled your father because he doesn't follow orders. That means you're not welcome here too." He said without hesitancy like he was just telling me that I'm wearing a white shirt which is obvious.

"Oh no!" Storm gasped. "Night why do you have habits of forgetting the most important things along with Shield hyung!"

He snapped at the two. Well who wouldn't? One who forgot that he has work in the human world and one who forgot that I'm not allowed here.

I mentally face palmed.

"Quick! Let's leave this place before father or any kings found out that you came here with Mist." Shield hyung dragged us. "Omg! I missed human foods!"

He squealed loudy as we walk towards the door but as we open the door, stood there was a man in all black who got as stunned.

"Hey there." He smirked.


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