The Mall

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Heyo my incredible readers. I had a reader that enjoyed this story so much so I thought 'I'll update as soon as possible' and so here's another chapter. As always hit that star, comment down below, and...


"Aish are we almost there yet?" Jin asked.

"We're almost there Hyung. Hold your horses." Jungkook said.

"Easy for you to say kookie. You can control the radio so I have to listen to whatever you want to hear." Jin said.

"Fine I'll stop listening to my music. What do you want to listen to Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"This song called 'Go Go' from BTS!" Jin exclaimed. (Play song now).

Jimin nodded his head to the song and jungkook was mumbling the lyrics while Jin was full blown going out.

A Few Minutes Later:

Eventually they made it to the mall and Jin and jungkook had a evil glint in their eyes, they turned to jimin who was trying to get back into the car, but sadly couldn't.

"Come on Jiminnie~" Jin cooed.

"No no I don't wanna!" Jimin exclaimed like a child.

"Park Jimin you are going inside." Jungkook ordered.

"You can't make me~" Jimin said sweetly.

"Don't think of them as people but think of them as your lovely Suga." Jin said.

"I don't think I can do this guys. I mean I still can't present in-front of other people I have known for years!" Jimin exclaimed. "What if I smell weird?!"

"You're getting to be a big boy now caillou..."

They stopped arguing and stared wide eyed at each other.

"Tha f*ck?" Jimin said.

They turned around to watch a young kid watching caillou on a iPad. The mother seemed to be putting stuff in the car while on the phone and her teenage son was just staring at them, his mouth going up and down like a fish out of water. He smelt alpha too. So did the mother, the kid smelt of omega though.

"Taken!" They said to the teenage boy, well except jungkook he just glared. The kid turned back around to help his struggling mother, while also pulling his younger brother to the side. Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin all turned back around as well.

"Anyways." Jin said.

"That was weird." Jimin said.

"Ok Jimin we brought you here because you need to come out of your tiny shell and show the world how amazingly good looking you and your body is!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Yeah! So whether you like it or not! We are still making you go inside the mall!" Jin exclaimed as well.

"Then what are you guys waiting for?" Jimin said already half way to the mall.

"Eh?!" Jin and jungkook exclaimed before running after Jimin.

Once they caught up they looked at Jimin and smiled. He smiled back at them before grabbing each of their hands and holding them so tightly they had to pinch Jimin to make him stop.

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