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"Fucking gay ass bitch," Jin grumbled as he walked through the front door, a pup trailing behind him, locking the door once the pup was in, and taking his shoes off. Taking the leash off as well. "Go shove a stick up your ass you little ass hoe. I hope you get herpes from one of the men you fuck you little gay slut."

He mumbled once more as he turned around. Looking up to see Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and Taehyung staring at him in shock.

"What?" He asked, raising his right eyebrow.

"What happened to you?" Namjoon asked, stepping forward to grab onto Jin's hand. "You seem mad." He chuckled.

Jin closed his eyes and deeply inhaled before he sighed, grabbing onto Namjoon's hand. Walking forward. Opening his eyes.

"Do not get me started." He said, clapping his hands. "So tell me why I'm walking Jungkook's little pup around the park that's like a few blocks from here. And so it finds a spot to take a shit at, so I'm just standing there, my phone in hand as it's still taking a shit. But then this omega guy comes up to me and taps my shoulder. I turn around with my face being "what?". The fucking dude smiles and says "are you gonna pick its poop up once it's done?", and I just stand there thinking. "Bitch what? Of course, Imma pick it up. Not like you will." but on the outside, I said, "of course". Then the bitch had the fucking audacity to say "well I just thought you weren't because you know, you look like the type of person who doesn't do anything". Bitch what? Oh, boy was I about to beat a bitches ass. I swear to motherfucking god. So I fucking fake ass giggle and say "oh no, I do things for myself. I mean I live around here. Owning my own job and stuff". Fucking fake ass smile on my face. The bitch giggled and said "oh that's wonderful! But that doesn't matter! Just as long as you pick up your ugly dog's poop". Ooohhhh a bitch was about to lose some teeth. His weave was about to be fucking ripped off sis. Oh, I fucking swear I saw red when the gay ass little shit said that. So me being me, just smiled and said: "yeah don't worry". The little shit giggled and said "well okay then! I'll see you around! Toodles!" and then he walked away. Me being the adult that I am flipped him off. Like bitch, you deserve more than just my finger. So I picked the pups shit up, threw it away and walked back home with the pup. Fucking gay ass little shit saying this pup was ugly. Bitch if this pup is ugly then you is terrifying." Jin deeply sighed.

"How....great," Jimin said, smiling a little bit.

The rest stayed quiet and stared at Jin.

"So like....nothing else happened?" Yoongi asked.

"Uuuhhhh.....oh I threw a stick at him but then fucking yeeted out of the park once he turned around! But that's about it." Jin said proudly.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and smiled while Yoongi and Taehyung grinned. Jimin laughed.

"So where's hobi?" Jin asked, looking around.

"He's helping Jungkook with his heat," Taehyung said.

"Oohhh he got his heat. Is he alright?" Jin asked.

"Who? Hoseok hyung or Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

Everybody looked at him with a "are you fucking serious?" face.

"Jungkook, Taehyung. Fucking Jungkook." Jin said.

"Oooohhhh," Taehyung said. "Yeah, I don't know. Hoseok hyung doesn't want me to be around Jungkook since he thinks I might attack him. How stupid, am I right?" Taehyung said.

"Yes. How stupid." Yoongi said looking Taehyung dead in the eyes. "I wonder why he would want an un-mated alpha around an un-mated omega in heat."

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you hyung." He grumbled.

"I'd rather not. I have Jimin for that."

Yoongi looked over back to Jin, and Namjoon while Taehyung stood in shock, and Jimin was flushed in the face.

"So how do you think Hoseok is doing? It's awfully quiet up there." Yoongi said.

"Don't know. The only moment I saw Hobi hyung with Jungkook was when they were going up the stairs. After that, I didn't see them anymore." Jimin said.

"Why didn't you follow after them?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"Got too lazy. I did not want to climb up those stairs."

Jin sighed.

"Great, you're turning into Yoongi now."

Namjoon and Taehyung chuckled. Yoongi just stared at him while Jimin glared at him. Jin smiled, shoulders going up and down.

"Whatever hyung," Jimin grumbled, looking at the floor.

They then stood in silence. No one talking as they didn't know what to say. After some time of standing. A growl was heard. They all stared at Jin.

"What?" He asked, raising his right eyebrow. "A bitch has to eat. Taking that walk was tiring as hell. I don't do good with working out. I'd rather stay at home, and eat then interact, and work out." He said.

Yoongi nodded his head.

"Honestly same."

"You guys are such old people," Taehyung said.

"Umm...shut the fuck up you little gay ass bitch. Watch it when you get older. Let's see who gets tired then too." Jin said.

Taehyung laughed.

"Okay whatever you say hyung," Taehyung said smiling.

"No but he does have a point," Jimin said. "You guys are like old people."

"Yeah well, that means you're dating an old person," Jin said.

"And?" Jimin said. "I wasn't complaining hyung. I was just saying Taehyung has a point."

"True true," Jin said.

They stood in silence for a little while longer till they all jumped when they heard Hoseok yell.


Jin looked up to the second floor with squinted eyes.


He looked back down to everybody else who had the "are you serious?" look on their face.

"For fucking sake, what?"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It took me a while and it's currently past my bedtime. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always hit that star, and comment down below.

Peace :)

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