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Jungkook twisted and turned in his bed.

The heat was practically unbearable for the young omega currently experiencing it. The room, the bed, his body, it was all just too hot for him.

Never in his lifetime would Jungkook ever love the heat or cold. Never ever. It was all just too horrible for him to live with. The heat made him all sweaty and smelly, and all just plain out disgusting. The cold on the other hand just made him freeze.

But the warmth. Oh, that comforting warmth is what he liked.

But no, not right now can he experience that as his body was currently torturing him for not being impregnated.

Like, it's not his fault he wants to have sex at a young age. He wants to wait until he's 18, and he finds his soulmate. Which is gonna be soon since his birthday passed recently, and now he's currently at the ripe age of 17. Just a few more months until he's actually 18 years of age.

But as of right now, for not doing the deed, he has to suffer terribly.


Jungkook twisted in his sheets some more. The heat was way too unbearable. Ugh, it's such an unpleasant feeling. Time ticked slower than usual. Like as slow as when you're in school and you're ready to just go home. Maybe even slower though.



It was silent for a little while. The only sounds being the ticking of his clock, him huffing and puffing and panting, and moving around on his sheets.

But then his door creaked open and he saw Hoseok step in the room.

"Hey buddy," he whispered. "I got some friends to come along, and I got you some cold water if you get thirsty and if you get hungry I also brought you a salad since basically, you're in your instincts right now, you're gonna have to eat what your animal side usually eats."

"Thank you Hobi hyung," Jungkook mumbled as he turned to stare at Hoseok put his water and salad down.

He heard more footsteps come into his room and twisted to see that  Jin and Jimin enter. He smiled at them as they smiled back at him too. Gentle soft smiles.

"I'm going to step out of the room now," Hoseok said. "Leave you guys alone."

"Alright," Jin whispered.

Jin and Jimin stepped to the side to let Hoseok pass through the door. Then Jimin grabbed onto the door and gently closed it. He didn't want to be loud so that nothing disturbed Jungkook. Though he was already disturbed because of his heat.

"How you doin' bud?" Jin asked as he was already seated by Jungkook, pulling his hair back gently. Jimin walking over to the same side of the bed as Jin but sitting on the bed, rubbing Jungkook's feet.

"Could be better," Jungkook giggled.

"Well since you started, I know I'm about to get mine," Jin grumbled.

"Yeah me too," Jimin said.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook mumbled.

"It's fine kookie," Jin said as he patted his head, "I don't blame you, I just blame our instincts."

"Though you know what I'm gonna hate after this?" Jungkook asked.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"My period,"

Both Jin and Jimin groaned.

(Honestly, you guys can skip this part if you want too, it gets all sciency from here).

The period. The worst moment of every beta's, alpha's or omega's life. These phenomenons happen to them after a heat if they are not bred. The unfertilized egg takes a few days to come out, so an omega, after a heat, gets just a few after-heat days before they get their period. With beta's, since there biology is different from that of an omega, they get a certain time period before their period starts, they can keep track of when their period starts with special apps or a calendar.

Now the difference between the beta and the omega is greatly seen. Only beta women experience it as they are the only ones that can get pregnant, the male betas can't as they are unable to carry.

With omegas, that is highly different. In the old times, female omega's were less in population so to have more omega's to breed and to mate with, science started breeding different genes so that male omegas were also in population to help females in the society that they lived in. After a while, male omegas were common, they got the same symptoms female omegas did, the same biology and the same physical build. But, not everything was the same. As hard as science tried, the male organ, the one that separates males from females remained with male omegas. So instead of having a vagina as most omegas during that period had, they had their penis still. Now, as female betas do, female omegas bleed from their vagina, male omegas are different. As we know, females bleed from their uterus if they are not fertilized, well the uterus is in the vagina, but males, well, they bleed from their ass, the same place they get pregnant from.

Everything in one way or another is connected, every human's digestion system is connected to their ass, dick or vagina. A male omega does have a uterus as well but not in the same way as their counterpart, see theirs is directly above their penis, meaning that right in between their seminal vesicle and their rectum is the uterus that gets them pregnant, it's not at big as the females as male omegas have both parts instead of just one but even in that case, the fantasy that most people say about male omegas being small and timid is a lie.

They are fighting fit and are rather more curvy than the regular omega, having to bare more than just one reproductive system does something to their bodies which over hundreds of years has caused them to evolve into the bodies they currently have. Besides, instead of having just one fallopian tube, males have three, an extra one that connects to their rectum but they are mostly called fertile tubes because the sperm travels through that tube to get the male omega pregnant. So when they do get pregnant everything in the male omegas body shifts just enough to fit in the new coming baby. 

That is, if male omegas were to get pregnant.

(End of science.)

Their blood comes out their ass and it's disgusting, that's why having a period for male omegas suck. Males mostly use tampons but wearing a pad is much safer, though males usually wear tampons during their heavy days as to not spill, during their sleep and lighter days they wear pads though.

"Speaking about periods," Jimin said, "I gotta ask Yoongi to take me shopping for more personal items."

"Me too," Jin said. "I haven't been able to go and take care of a few things."

"Can you guys get me some too, please? I don't think I have some either," Jungkook said, stopping from his panting to tell them. "And can you please bring me Taehyung-hyung, I really want him."

Jin shook his head. "No can do kookie, we're having you both on lockdown until your heat ends. We don't need miniature Taehyungs and Jungkooks running around the place."

Jimin nodded his head, agreeing with Jin. "He has a point Kookie. But don't worry, you'll heat will end in just a few days, Armi is about to come over so you can meet someone new. Not in the best scenario but at least you'll get a new friend."

Jungkook nodded his head as his eyes started closing, getting tired through the constant energy being wasted. "That sounds-....nice."

 I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter! I am so sorry for the long period of no updates, I've just been busy lately but I finally found a time where I'm not tired or busy! I hope you guys enjoyed and if you guys did then please hit that star and comment down below.

Peace :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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