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Why is it so hard to stand up.

Giving up it seems so easy.

Will things eventually get better.

Or is there no future.

So many things had been said.

But what of it made sense.

To many questions.

To many with no answers.

Will it all be worth it.

Is there still hope.

Everything seems so dark.

Its hard to find the light.

Trying to keep away the  tears.

Not wanting to show the pain.

Everything seems broken.

Even when its healed you can see the scars.

To much has happened.

It will never be the same.

Those signs of pain.

The things that had been ignored.

Only wanting help.

But only falling more.

Is it ever good enough.

Will it end some day.

That feeling of losing.

Breaking on the inside.

Is this the end.

The time to say goodbye.

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