Dolls and tomboys

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Looking like a doll.
so cute and perfect.

A blank stare.
Those blank eyes.

Doll eyes what are you looking at.
Have you judged me yet.

Should I want to be like you.
Oh what shall I do.

Cute little dress.
Don't you ever make a mess.

Perfection is what you make.
Being real is what you take.

Then again is that true.
Oh tell me what to do.

Are you always like that they ask.
Is that all but a mask.

But is that doll really judging you.
Aren't you judging them too.

Always looking like a mess.
Won't you ever wear a dress.

You don't care about perfection at all.
Do you think I never fall.

Are we really that different.
Is it all but assumption in the end.

Tell me the right and wrong.
Tell me how it really is.

Oh but my dear.
I think that it's very clear.

We are all but simply humans.
Trying to live our lives.

We all have a different life.
Just doing what we like.

Who should you be.
What should you do.

Well me dear this all.
Of course is up to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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