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Camila - hallo

Camila - lernnn r u there?

Lern Jergi - why r u texting me at 4am?

Camila - cause i cant sleep

Lern Jergi - alright

Lern Jergi - goodnight

Camila - nooo dont leave!

Camila - laurennn

Lern Jergi - what?

Camila - im bored

Lern Jergi - go back to sleep

Camila - i need to see ur face

Lern Jergi - really?

Camila - umm, obviously!

Lern Jergi - fine

Lern Jergi - 

Camila - omggg ur smile <3

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Camila - omggg ur smile <3

Lern Jergi - this was taken ages ago

Camila - i bet ur smile is even better now 

Lern Jergi - ... can i go to sleep now canola

Camila - canola?

Lern Jergi - oh autocorrect

Lern Jergi - that is ur new name now

Canola - wow really

Lern Jergi - yup

Lern Jergi - now u have to send me a pic 

Canola - will do 

Canola -

Lern Jergi - AWWW CUTEEE

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Lern Jergi - AWWW CUTEEE

Canola - stawp it

Lern Jergi - nah

Canola - why nawt?

Lern Jergi - caue its trueh

Canola - goodnight chilli

Lern Jergi - chilli

Canola - caue ur spicy hawt

Lern Jergi - wow.

Lern Jergi - goodnight

Canola - gooodddnighhht

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