Sorries, We are besties

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Arianna's POV

Me, and Milo pulled up, and continued listening to the speech of alissa, and ricky. Both of them were so happy. I actually want to vlog it, but no.. Ill keep it for their privacy

I looked up at milo, and smiled, he then smiled back

Zach's POV

"it was.. All fake?" Alicia said shocked

"i-it's fine.." alicia said as she place on her clothes, and left the room

I heared her go outside, and calling someone.

"Hey mom, come pick me up.. Im moving out" she said sassily

"Okay, be back" she said hanging up. She went back to her room, so i went to my room..

I heared someone knocked.. I ignored it, because i was crying.. Crying that i made a mistake.. Crying that.. I cant win arianna's heart back anymore, since she is with milo..

The only problem that can cure this is.. A blade.. Maybe the world is better without me.. Maybe Arianna will come back if i do this..

I'm so crazy for her

Corbyn's POV

Me, and the boys were hearing zach, and alicia fight.. It was this 4th time they fought.. They will always fight about arianna or.. Jealousy.. But this time.. We heared different.. This time, they finally broke up!! And im so fucking happy, because Alicia was that annoying ass bitch who eats all the pizza, when we all bond

"finally!" dani said as we all cheered

Arianna's POV

Soon enough

Soon enough, it was time to go home. We went home, to my place, and cameron decided to stay.. He wanted a sleepover. As we got inside my home, i saw a mad logan

"Oh, Ummm.. Miss Lara, can you bring Milo to my room, thanks" i said to my maid as they both got upstairs

"Look, now what?!" i said to logan rolling my eyes

"I know it sounds weird, but you need to move out." Logan said.

"Oh why would i, logan?! I worked hard for this house!! You didnt own this property, My girls did!" i yelled

"I cant deal with a stephsister anymore!! You fucking took my bus, so that you can dig up a guy!" he yelled mad

"Logan, why are you so childlish?! It's just one mistake, why cant you act like your age?!" i yelled

"Why cant YOU act like your age too?!" he yelled

"im acting my age! But you are acting like a 4 year old who cant move on, on a one mistake!" i yelled

"I fucking hate you, i wish i never met you!" he yelled

"Guards, take him out.. Never let him in, until i told to do so" i said to the security, as he took logan out. I went upstairs, to see milo sitting on my bed. I looked at the view in my balcony, to see the Cool bus gone. He left.

"Sorry about that" i said to milo

"It's fine" he smiled weakly

"My brother just acts childlish enough.  Sorry" i said to Milo holding his hands

"i accept you, on who you are" he said

"Thanks" i smiled, as i soonly enough cried onto his chest..

"i just cant understand why he just hated me" i sob

"Arianna, listen to me.. You are special.. I love you.. Everyone loves you" Milo adviced

"Its just.. My bestfriends, and i also fought, and they cant even look at me, what have i done?!" i sobbed even louder

"Aha!" he yelled having an dumbshit idea

"What?" i said wiping my tears away

"i want to kinda drive the cool bus, let's go" he said standing up, but before he could, i pulled him

"The cool bus was tooked home to logan's" i said

"Oh," he said getting back to his normal place

"You know, you canbe dumb sometimes?" i said laughing

"I made her laugh, finally" he said as i giggled

I fell alseep on his arms then..

The next morning

"I have another idea!!" he yelled again

"And what the f is that again?" i asked rubbing my eyes from sleep

"Well... Since you and your bestfriends fought.. I think its all surprise.. Just call them, and let them meet at starbucks" he said

"Are you sure it's all going to be fine?" i asked

"Yeah, but i'll come.. What do i wear?" he said.  (No pun intended😂)

"Come, i have a small closets for my guy visitors" i said bringing him to the closet. He picked his outfit, which was hoodie, and Denim jacket on top of it, then some jeans

"What do I wear?" i asked him

"Fishnets.. Uh... No! I mean.. Mesh top, and shorts, with short cut black heel boots" he said

"I'll take that" i said leaving him in my room, and went to my closet, i picked his advice, and actually it is good..

I decided to call them now.

And.. Arianna

S- Hey, wazzup?
A- i missed talking to you!! Can we go to starbucks today? Like.. Now?
S- me, and Haven are going to somewhere, slrry
A- Skylar. Please!!
S- Um fine...
A- love you, thanks!

Hanged up

"Looks like it is working out already" he smiled

"Yeah, i know" i smiled

We got to starbucks, and i called haven, this girl was easy to call when it comes to coffees thats why her, and jonah fits

And.... Arianna

A- Hey, haven
H- oh hey .
A- Are you down to get coffee in starbucks?
H- you cant fool me.. I know you just wanted to make up shits.
A- Skylar is coming. So please come.. I have someone for you to met, he is so fucking hot
H- a boy? Single?
A- Well, actually kinda like him
H- Back off girl, you have zach
A- Haha, no. Please come
H- On my way
A- bye love you!

Hanged up

"am i really that hot?" Milo questioned me, i smacked his head and he looked at me.

"I just love you, that's why"


Awww... Arianna lives him!! I think i like Marianna more than Zarianna Tbh.. But somthin bouta fixed!!


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