I Can't

910 22 7

Arianna's POV

"Zach?" i called up his name, he looked at me, then i leant in as quickly as i could. I wrapped my arm around his neck, then He wrapped his on my waist..

The kiss wasnt done.. it felt like i dont wanna leave his soft lips.. until, my annoying big brother disturbed

"oh, uh.. let's go eat" he said awkwardly, when he saw us kissing each other..

I walked up to where all of them, and ate what andy got us. Of course, veggies, and stuff, but it taste soooo good!!

"Wanna go run errands with our dogs?" logan said

"Umm.. logan, i dont have a leash, me, and zach havent shopped For UnicornAngel yet" i said

"i'll let you borrow kong's extra one" he said "Sure thanks, be out there in a m--" logan cutted me off

"Shut up, let's talk in the bus" he said. we got inside his cool bus, then he sat, as i went inside the bathroom to get changed

"How's you, and zach?" logan asked me while i was putting on my clothes inside the bathroom

"Actually.. fine. We just went out the other day, then fixed all of this problem.." i said. i explained to him the whole story

i leashed Angel as we both runned errands.. Logan's camera man followed us behind so that logan have some amazing content

"best birthday ever, logang!! I love nature, and here is my sister that i love!!" logan said to the camera

"Awww..." i cooed "i know" he said acting cool

"Shut up, let's go" i said as we both continued running. My abs were sweaty, so i decided to take Kong, and Angel with me, since logan will go 'exploring'

As i was in the middle of where i was heading to.. i saw zach's figure running up to me. he took kong's leash, as we both walked them

"Parenthood" Zach said smirking

"i know" i said rolling my eyes laughing

"I have to go shower after. My tummy is kinda Sweaty, so.. can you take care both of them?" i asked him


"pleazzzee???" i said in puppy eyes  "Not buying it" he said looking away. i thought for a minute, then cuffed his cheeks, and kissed his soft lips

"I buy it" he smiled as i cheered

"Remember. Kong has his caring list on lydia's bag. While Angel doesnt, because i'm not those strict moms" i said as he giggled

"But you're a strict Girlfriend" he smirked

"Oh, shut up!!" i blushed.. "Arianna.. I know, we had been just made up like.. A day day ago.. But.. I still like you, i still love you.. Can you be my.. Girlfriend again?" he said looking down while holding both of my hands

I know i can't because i don't want to lose a 'friend'..  I know, i can't because i can't

I can, but i just Can't.

"Zach... I'm sorry, i can't" i said taking Kong from him, then runned away.. I runned as fast as i can. I was getting nearer them, when i bumped into lydia

"i'm so sorry, lydia" i said looking down. I gaved her kong, then left

"Wait!" she yelled as i looked at her with my eyes furrowed

"I... Think you have a problem" Lydia said, as she took me to logan's bus..

"Okay.. I think there's something you need to spill to me" she said

"What is that?" i asked

"A tea *Fake sips* " She said as i laughed a little.

"Fine." i said as i told her the rest of what happened.

Zach's POV

She runned away from me..

Why am i so dumb?! I could have gave it time!! What happened zach?!

I took angel upto my arms, then walked back fake smilling the rest..

"Hey, bro.. What happened?" jack asked as he sat beside me

"What? What are you talking about?!" i asked him like nothing wrong happened

"You knkw that i know you better than yourself" He said, a si sighed

"i told arianna i liked her.. She said she 'Can't' because i know she had been looking for someone else.. And that i know that is milo... It kinda hurted me, because she runned away after she said she can't.." i explained

"Bro, it's fine.. Maybe she isn't still ready for a relationship, after what happened to your memory lost-coma." he said..

Everyone says that.. What they didnt know that it wasnt real   am i ready to tell him?




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