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When Martha arrived home I was instantly smothered in her motherly hug. She grabbed the sides of my face and bent down to my level.
"My son who got you from the hospital"
"Hercules picked me up in his car mama
"Ok good"
She turned to the girls
"And who are these three"
"I'm Angelica, this is Eliza and"
She was cut off by Peggy running up and flailing her arm
"And peggy"
Martha looked amused, on the other hand George looked at Peggy like she was stupid.

A couple minutes later they all left.

Martha turned to me and engulfed me in a mother hug
"My son we filled out the adoption papers you now belong to us!"
I stopped moving and smiled brightly


"Yes that's exciting"
She stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes
"We also signed you up for therapy"


"I'm sorry we didn't ask you but we know what you've been doing"

"What do you mean?" I said nervous digging my nails into my arm

She grabbed my arm and pulled in away

"We saw them after you blacked out"


I started walked up stairs but walked back down and hugged my mom. She smiled and I went to bed.

(Next morning)

We drove down to the therapist office early in the morning and attempted to get me in to a therapy session. The doctors said there was no available slots. Martha crises them out but before leaving she said
"Let's go Alex before you kill yourself"
I started to cry we were silent the entire way home. I ran home into the bathroom, and thought to myself I wouldn't break a promise that soon...


Ok so this is garbage and I will probably rewrite it but it's  almost one am and I'm tired.

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