Chapter 28

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I had yelled at John and told him to go away. He didn't deserve that. He looked so upset and heartbroken. I decided to put it off I'd call him later to sort it out right now I needed time to my self. Time to breath. I stumbled around the park and finally sat down at a bench. I looked around at the landscape the clouds were strung higher in the air the sky a beautiful blue the the grass and trees were a stunning emerald green. I smiled a bit as a looked around. The scenery was calming and relaxing. I took a deep breath. I pulled out my phone. I failed a number. I rang 4 times before going to voicemail.
"Uh hey john look I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled at you. I was just mad about James I'm really sorry. Call me back when you get the chance...I love you" I said before hanging up. I looked up at the sky as the tears started falling from my eyes rolling onto my cheeks. And onto the ground below me. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I wiped my eyes and looked over to see a kid about 8 maybe nine years old looking at me.
"Excuse me sir but why are you crying?" He asked
"Oh it's nothing I just got into a fight that's all" I told the kid ruffling his curly hair. The kid looked like John in a way. I smiled
"What are you doing here without your parents?" I asked him.
"Oh they kicked me out of the house yesterday so I came here." He said like it was nothing.
"Do you need a place to stay?" I asked him.
"Oh no I'm fine sir!" He said quickly.
"Oh it'll be no problem" I assured him.
"Well ok then" He chirped.
I took the boys hand and starters walking back to the house striking up small talk on the way.
"So what's your name?" I asked at one point.
"My name is Phillip, what's your name?" He said
"Oh my name is Alexander but you can call me Alex" I told Phillip.
"Well ok Alex" He said calmly.
When we got back to the house I opened the door and led Phillip inside to meet Martha.
The two were very polite to each other mom even set him up a room upstairs. I have Martha big hug.
"Thanks for helping" I said
"Oh it was no big deal...son" she said back.
I went upstairs and helped Phillip get situated. After I was done helping him out I went and laid on my bed. I pulled out my phone a called John again.
This time he answered.
"Hi john..."
"Hey Alex"
"Look John I'm really sorry for everything I said and did! I was just so sad and angry" I said
"Hey Alex you're ok" he told me
"Ok...also there's a new kid at my home"
"What!!" He semi yelled
"Well he's living here right now because his parents kicked him out he found me crying at the park." I told him
"I'll be right over Alex"
"Ok John" I giggled and hung up the phone.



Short but I also just got Wattpad back after being grounded for over a month! Also finally added Phillip! I think I'm going to try and wrap this up in the next couple of chapters. This has been a long a stressful journey but it gets better! Luv y'all💜

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