First Love - Five

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Over the next few weeks I trained Burton as best as I could in the little time we had. The careers and I had be trained for years to the expertise we are now and I was trying to do it in two weeks. He had come along way and could defend and attack better than most enough to get him through the bloodbath in the games. Cato and I talked every night before going to bed and in these two weeks I had gotten to know him better than his partner or allies did. Or so he said, I don't know whether it was the approaching death of battle or because we had just spent a lot of time together (more than i did with any boy) but the past couple of days. I would be anxious to get training over with so i could go up to the roof when everyone was asleep and talk to him.

Apparently it was the same for him to. I was also noticing details about him like when I would make a snarky comment the corners of his eyes were the first to twitch in amusement. Or in training I would notice that when his partner was talking to him or his allies. He couldn't focus properly because he would steal glances at me. I knew it was him because the hairs on my arm would stick up every time. It became like a sixth sense to know when he was around and either looking for me or looking at me.

"Hey Peeta isn't it?" i walked to the Camouflage station.

"Yeah and your Lacey, Katniss has told me about you." I nodded. Katniss had regular talks at lunch about different things. I liked her enough to know I wasn't going to kill her. Glimmer on the to her hand the girl from district one had this laugh that annoyed me and how she thought she was better than everyone else. If I had to I would kill to defend me or Burton but she was the only one I wanted to personally rip the head off of.

"Will you show me how to do that. I think it's the only thing I'm rusty on i haven't done it in so long" He smiled and began to re teach me on what i forgot. Soon we were both camouflaging our hand. Katniss came over.

"Hi" she said

"hey" we replied

"How did you do that" Peeta was the only this one to answer this time

"I used to decorate the cakes down at the bakery."

"oh" Peeta looked at me

"We'll show you" he gestured over to the tree and we went over. Holding our hands to the tree we saw it somewhat blend in

"see" I smiled

"wow" she looked

"Hey I think you have a shadow." Peeta gestures over to the girl from 11 peeking out from behind a wall.


I was sat a dinner, Woof and Cecelia were talking about tomorrow.

"Now tomorrow they will be your individual assessment, this part is important because higher ratings will mean sponsors. This will be the perfect time to show them what your made of. Lacey you use your blades show them who their dealing with. Burton, Lacey says your getting good with a spear and axe use them to your advantage. They will start with district one and I presume it will be boy girl so... Oh and don't forget to make them remember you" Cecelia stated

"Okay" I breathed

That night again after everyone was asleep I went up to the roof this time Cato was waiting for me.

"Hey" he grinned

"hey" we sat down and just talked

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" i asked

"No are you"

"Please we have to be most of the chilled out people here. What are you aiming for?" he chuckled before replying"

"10/11 you"

"11 not an option if I'm going I might as well be remembered"

"Don't say that" he snaps  I look at him

"why not it's the truth."

"because I don't want to think about you dying okay"

"Cato I know what I want to happen and what must happen for me to get what I want. You've know this since we first talked why are you acting like this now?"

"Because I've fallen in love with you okay" he blurted out. I laid there not knowing what to say. I didn't know whether to be happy or not. I mean some part of me was because we had gotten so close in a short amount of time but i didn't want to feel it cause it would hurt.

"Say something." he broke me out of my thought.

"Like what. I don't know what to say. Cato, I'm going to die and if I blurt something out we'll just end up getting hurt."

"You're not going to die I would never let that happen"

"If it means getting my partner out I would take nigh lock if I need be."

"But I don't want you to die" he looked away I sat up as did he.

"What do you want from me, Cato?"

"Tonight. I want you to act as if you're not going to die in the coming future, I want you to be selfish and speak your mind like I just did. Let down those walls we've been trained for years to have in place no matter who that person is. Lacey you've done that to me in two weeks. No one not even my parents could break through my killer exterior. Not that they tried but its not the point. Just say something please." I thought about it.

I might as well see if there is anything there and just be old me for one night and not the girl who is accepting the imminent death. I leant in and kissed him, at first he was shocked proberly thinking as was going to deny him. Then he got into it and brought me closer so that I was sitting on top of him. He bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth causing him to try and explore every inch. Finally we took a breath. Panting i told him what i felt and what he wanted to hear.

"I've fallen in love with you too" his grin would leave his face if it could. He kissed me again but this time it was short.

"How have you melted me?"

"Do you actually care?"

"Nope" I laughed "sing to me" he asked

The Hunger Games - Careers First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now