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I was taken to the queens bedroom to see that she was sitting on the bed smiling at me. " Hello Jahseh, I've heard so many things about you. Come. Sit with me. "She said and I obeyed. She took my hands and looked at my palms and smiled

" You are full of joy and understanding,  Motherly and kindness, but blinded by anger and easily angered by ignorance.
Death had played a huge part if your life but you push forward and you protect who you love. That's what makes a queen" she said.

She was so kind and soft and her voice was so soft and wise. She makes a great queen " What do you mean by queen" I said. "Your past. Jaseh your real name is Cleo Nefa, you were the queen of a place called gray cat Egypt." I started to have flashbacks of that dream I had.

" There was this evil that put your to war and made you step off your throne and fight. You fought and fought until you put a spell on yourself and everyone else."

I saw myself rise in the air and the darkness did the same.
"The event of this day shall not be remembered until the future me remembers. If I fail before The fifth month and 12th day in the 21st century you, Maji have won and I shall become your slave"

" and with that you put yourself and the people under a century spell. You must connect with all of your powers yet your kingdom...." she stopped and looked away. " My kingdom what" I said trying to get her to look at me, which she did. " Is Wakanda" she said.

" After your spell was put on your people spread all over the world and 4 centuries later the flood happened and then the asteroid right in grey cat. During the flood the land of grey cat was seperated and moved and now the land is called wakanda" she said.

My kingdom shifted from Egypt and it was claimed by the wakandan that didn't know it was grey cat. " so this is my land, my kingdom?" I asked " Yes, and I am deeply sorry for my ancestors taking your land" she said and I chuckled a little.
" That's like if you were white and you apologize for slavery" I said.

" Not trying to be racist but it's true" I said and she smiled. " that means there is a great evil here?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yes, it hides. It knows that you are trying to remember" she said " It wants you to forget until May 12th" she said looking at a calendar. " You have a year" she said.

" My queen, I have something to ask you" I said. " When will i see my friend Amber" I said " How can I save her from HYDRA" I asked. " We will talk about that soon enough" she said and the Dora came back " right now you have a lot to learn. I suggest you get a lot of rest for tomorrow.

The Dora showed me to my room which was huge. Bigger than my orphanage, which reminds me. I jumped on a laptop and started to do some research.

I had hit topics like ' Jahseh Ploy was reported missing after a mishap that happened at Brooklyn High' and 'suspects say that Jahseh ditched the car accident and hid her bestdriend dead body' and also ' Jahseh Ploy was reported to be at a lab in wakdana but her friend Amber Davis is still missing' and my favorite one

' The reporters who were investating the scene and the ones who refused to leave were sued by Wakdana Industries, what are they hiding?' At that point I just read every report that there was.

I ended up sleeping on the computer but it was like I was fully aware of what was happening but I couldn't move. After a while I heard the door open and I heard foot steps come towards me and something grab me but I didn't fight back. I just let them take me where ever and seconds later I felt something soft on my back.

I felt someone take off my shirt, and then my tights and then my underwear, I tried to move but I couldn't it was like I was stuck  I felt someone put new underwear on me and shorts and a new bra on me and take off my socks. I know something  put over my body and then they left. That was extremely awkward, I mean I should feel mad but I don't feel like moving since I am comfortable right now.

Dream~ 10 years ago

I was in the car with my mom and dad along with my sister. " Hey mom where are we goin" I said and she smiled in the rear view mirror " We are going to your grandma's" she said yet I instantly knew she was lying. Grandma died 2 years ago there was no way she is going to grandma's. Suddenly we hear a motorcycle beside us. My mom grabs the steering wheel tightly " Don't on ba-" there was a sudden crash and the cat was flipping over and in a ditch  the last thing I see his the motorcycle stopping and black boots coming over to us. The person kneels down and looks at all of us  and then gets back up and leaves leaving me with a dead family under the car. The car wasn't in a ditch. It was on the road side of a hill in California. Then the car slipped and fell.

I jolted awake sweating seeing that I was in different clothing. "Hello Jahseh" I heard a new voice say. "Remember me"

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