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Daemonophobia= Fear of Demons

I turned around to see a girl with a white dying hair, thin lips, tall, skinny and with a kane. Her eyes were a dying blue and I had a feeling I should know her. " No, I don't know who you are" I said. " Think about it like just yesterday. You threw a girl through the window and disappeared for five years" sara.

" Sara, I remember. I'm sorry about what happened" I said and she only chuckled. " Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!" she screamed and her voice echoed. " You made me loose everything. EVERYTHING. I lost my leg because a huge shard was stuck in my leg, my parents because I was in the hospital for so long they OD and you romed free" she them pulled out a gun.

" You were the talk for years but no one found you until Wakandan Industries sued them. You slipped away but noe your going to pay for what you did to me" she pulled the trigger and the bullet to me went in slow mo. Hold up. I reached out and grabbed the bullet and she shot another one. I slapped the bullet away and she shot again and this time I caught it with my teeth.

" Stop it" she said. She went to pull the trigger again but with my mind I jamed the gun. She banged it on her hand and tried again but it didn't work. My nose bled but in the speed of light I was right in her face and the gun was so my stomach  I grabbed her wrist and twisted it and I made her drop her gun and she winced in pain.

" You lost your parents, well welcome to the club. I lost my parents in a murder disguised as a car accident yet do you see me killing every biker? Take your pain and live with it asshole." I threw her to another wall. " You terrorized me my whole life. Pay back." I said and all of a sudden everything went black.

T'challas Pov

Shuri said that Jahseh had stopped breathing 4 hours ago. She is now laying in the bed with Iv's, patches, and a tube down her throat. Her heart was very unsteady and the oxygen was heavy, she had asthma attacks and her heart kept stopping. It hurt me to see her like this, it hurt me to see her in this much pain. hutomTo be honest I have a small crush on Jahseh but I'm not going to act on it.
" She might be ok" Nakia said " How can you be sure" I said without looking at her and still looking at Jahseh.

" She's a god" she said " But she has a human heart" I argued " Don't confuse human for weakness and God for the strongest, All gods fall and humans do prosper" she said "They just need a little push"

Jahsehs pov

I was floating weightless in darkness. It looked like my eyes were closed but they were wide open. "WAKE UP" I heard and It felt like I was kicked in the stomach and I fell on a hard surface. I started to get a nose bleed and coughed up blood. " Get up, now that your big speech is over." I got angry and started to stand up 

T'challas POV

I started to notice that Jahsehs nose started to bleed and she started to cough. " Shuri" I warned and she looked behind her from her computer and she went wide eyed. She started to touch the tube in her mouth but she jolted back. " Shuri what's wrong"I asked " It shocked me" she said and tried again but it shocked her again.

" It won't let me touch her" she said. I stepped forward and started to touch it but it shocked me painfully to. Then the heart monitor started to smoke and fri.  Then the whole thing shut down "Come on, you were just working" shuri hissed and Nakia was just standing pure fear.

" We have to try something else"

Jahsehs pov

Me and Sara have been fighting for a while and right nownom losing. " I guess your still that little girl who I beat up in 7th grade" she said and she kicked me to a wall which my back hit first. " Crap" I said and I tired to stand but she kicked my side. Over and over and over again she started kicked me and my rib broke in two I could feel it. I screamed for her to stop and she chuckled.

She held out her fist " You are the weakest person I have ever met" she said but right after she said that I started to have quick flashes.

T'challas pov.

Everything started to shake and then the lights went out. " What just happened" Nakia said " She did it" shuri said. " She is having a nightmare but she is losing. She is dying, we need electrical cardioversion" she said. " How will they work when the power is out" Nakia protested. " I have ones that don't need it"

Jahsehs pov

I was sitting on the throne with both my hands on gold orbs and a gold long necklace and a gold bra and Gold pants.  My eye liner was long and blue with gold and black and I stood up. " say good bye" she said and I blinked my eyes turned blue and I spread out my arms " rise" I said

T'challas Pov

Shuri charged them up " Clear" she said. She put them on her chest and her body jolted up. When it didn't work she did it again. " Clear" and her body jolted again and again.

Jahsehs pov

  Before she delivered he last blow I caught  her hand before it struck me.

She was so surprised she froze " No, I'm the strongest person you will ever meet" I said standing up tightening my grip on her wrist. " Because I have mercy" I said and punched her. " Because I have power" I said and kicked her stomach " Because I have love" I said and I kicked her again. " Something you will never have" and I pushed her to the far wall and her back hit first.

" And because I will rise, i will conquer evil and people like you will fall before me" I said and I wrapped my hand around her throat " Because I defeat my demons, I do not live with them" then everything went black.

I gasped as I came back to reality or life and saw a bright light " Holy crap " I said looking over to see T'challa and Nakia. " Crap" I said and beyond the white light I saw shuri. " Shh shh you are ok" Shuri soothed my hair. " Right right, I'm ok" I said but I could still see the me that looked like a queen.

"I'm ok, right?"

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