3 - A New and Fake Life.

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Notes of the author:

 I wanted to start, as always, apologizing if this chapter is confused, because as everyone knows my English is horrible and I write with the help of the translator. Well, a good read to all !!


After planning their fake names Sweeney and Nellie sought a pension that was as close to town as possible. They had to walk a lot and the only place one they found was in a rural, less busy part of London.

They rang the bell, and a lady, that seemed to be over fifty years old, attended them, getting scared by the dirty appearance of them.

The woman frowned and said,

- Beggars are not accepted, to live here you'll have to pay. She threatened to close the door.

But Nellie prevented her from closing and said:

- No, no! We are not beggars, my lady, and yes, we will pay.

The lady then opened the door with a suspicious look.

- All right, you can come in. - the two entered.

It was not like a five-star hotel, but it was a big three-story house, tidy and cozy. Perfect for them to hide from the police. The woman went up to the counter where she usually catered to clients and handed out a paper where the value of the rooms and the stay was written.

- Do you two want a room or two?

- One / two - Mrs Lovett and Mr Todd both said at the same time.

- Excuse me. - Mrs. Lovett gave the lady a sheepish smile and called Sweeney to a corner.

- We cannot sleep in the same room, we're not married. - Sweeney argued.

- But I will not pay for two rooms, have you looked at the price?

The woman watched in confusion, not knowing what they were gesturing with their hands. Until after a while they went back to the counter and Mrs Lovett says.

-We'll only want one room.

- It's all right. This price includes laundry and guaranteed food. - the Lady sayd.

- Great! Mrs Lovett replied by taking the money and paying the pensioner.

- Now sign here, please. - The woman handed her a pen and paper to sign the contract.

Then Nellie signed. The woman read the name and said:

- Mrs. Helena Carter, welcome! - She says - I'm Margô Morel.

- Thank you, Mrs. Morel. Nellie replied.

The lady handed the pen to Mr Todd.

- Here you go, Mr. Carter."

- I'm not Mr. Carter.- Sweeney said, - I'm John Christopher Depp.

- But you two are not married? - She asked, confused.

- No - he says.

- Not yet, is not it dear? - Nellie tried to disguise the embarrassing situation.

Sweeney stared blankly at Mrs. Lovett.

- We're engaged, and we're getting married soon. - Nellie lied.

- Ah yes. Then fine. This is a key to your room. The number is 25 and it's on the second floor.

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