4 - An Angel

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After finishing dressing, Nellie opened the bathroom door to get out and came face to face with Sweeney who was right at the door waiting for her turn with her clothes hanging over her shoulder and her arm resting against the wall.

He looked her up from head to toe and was shocked at what he saw. "Is this the same weird and chatty Mrs. Lovett as ever?" He questioned it mentally.

- Oh, you scared me, I did not know you were there. - Nellie said a little blandly.

- Why did you get dressed like that? - He asked on impulse.

Nellie could not contain herself and her cheeks brightened as they were already due to makeup. But she swallowed hard and replied.

- Well, I've decided to change a little, you know, to avoid being recognized by the London police. He explained what was partly true. - So what did you think? - Am I different from what I was?

Sweeney could not explain what she saw in words, but she would never tell her how stunning she truly was. Then he just said dry.

- It's ok.

- Only that? She demanded to know more about your opinion of her.

- What do you want to hear? I need to take a shower soon, if you'll excuse me. Sweeney told Nellie to step out of the bathroom door.

- All right, I'm sorry - Nellie said quietly.

She already expected him to treat her this way and then left the bathroom door and he entered.

- A word of kindness , it will not kill you, Mr Todd. - Disappointed, she turns her back on him not expecting him to answer her.

Sweeney realizing the woman's sadness, and knowing that it was unnecessarily rude to her then decided to say something kind.

- You look very beauty today, Mrs. Lovett. - He took courage and spoke, then closed the door.

She wanted to scream, jump and dance at the same time. This was the first time he had praised her like this. "It could just be the beginning of other compliments!" she thought. But then he tried to reprimand the thoughts that were in his head because he could not create false hopes about him and then, as always stay disappointed.

She sat on the bed and decided to fill her mind by counting the money she had. That was a lot of money, she had never gotten that much money in her life. Her parents would be proud, or not, if they knew how she got the meat to make the pies. But she tried not to think about the past, for there were many things she regretted. But as nothing could be changed, the best he could do was to lift his head and move on.

Mr Todd finished his bath and saw her sitting on the profile bed counting the money. She was very beautiful. Her hair was just thrown on the left side and on the right side her shoulder was perfect. Sometimes Sweeney had noticed Mrs Lovett's shoulders. Her skin was so white and it looked so soft. She had a perfect, tapered nose and her lips were rosy and livelier than before. She definitely looked like an angel.

She then looked to the side and saw that he had finished bathing.

- Oh, Mr. Todd, I did not see that it was over. - She put the money in her little purse and then tucked it into her cleavage, then got up and headed toward the door. - Come on, coffee must be ready by now.

Mr Todd tried not to be hypnotized by her and walked beside him toward the stairs. They went downstairs, and Mrs. Morel soon noticed the couple coming.

- Hello, Miss Carter and Mr. Depp. You can sit down at the breakfast table as soon as the coffee is ready. She showed the direction and Mrs Lovett thanked her.

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