14 - Happiness

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Sweeney is almost voiceless.He remains with his hand on her belly, imagining the seed that would be germinating there.Then the two sit on the couch.His eyes are is surprised.Then he says:

- But how?When?

- You know exactly how.It was the first time we were together.I found out yesterday.

- Why did not you tell me yesterday?

- Well, I was scared.Afraid you do not want our son.

He hugged her and said in the embrace:
- I would never leave you two!

She smiles and breathes in relief:

- You do not know how happy I am to know that!- Tears of joy fall from her eyes.

Then Sweeney walks away and looks at her belly with a broad smile.Nellie speaks:

- Talk to him.For him to get used to his father's voice.

- Talk?

- Yes Dear.

Sweeney puts his hand there again a little embarrassed, then bends to kiss where her baby grew saying:

- Hi my son!It's your father who's talking.- He chatters with her belly and Nellie chuckles wiping the tear that had fallen from her eyes - I promise I will love you and take care of you.You will be very happy!Me and your mother will always be on your side!- He looks at Nellie and finishes wiping the tear from her face.

- If I had known you would look so lovely, I would have said it since yesterday!- she laughs.

- But that moment is perfect.- Sweeney gets up, holding her hands and pulling her up as well.- I can not give you a guarantee of a completely happy life, I know that I have become a difficult person to deal with because of all that has happened in the past.But I want to build a future with you, and I promise totry to change, for us and our son.-Then she kneels, and Nellie gawks, - Eleanor Lovett, do you marry me?- He looks deep into her eyes.

She gives the most beautiful smile she has ever given in her life and responds:

- Yes!Of course yes!A thousand times yes!- She smirks at him, then he stands up and holds her tight.

It seemed an eternal and lasting happiness.That moment that she waited for so long has just come into her life.It was better than she had imagined.At last he was hers and she was his, and soon they would have someone else to share the love they held within them.They returned to the couch and stood holding each other talking about the future.All that they could live together.The future could be uncertain, who knows what might be coming?But at least they were together.And since one had the other they would have everything.

Sweeney insisted on giving her a ring, but she said she did not have to.He then planned to buy at least their wedding rings.They would have to get married as soon as possible, otherwise her belly would grow and people would notice.They agreed to go the next day to the notary's office in the afternoon to set the date as soon as possible.Although Nellie dreamed of marrying the church with him, for that they would have to have set the date months ago, at the notary's office alone, it would be faster.As she was a widow and his papers in the name of Sweeney Todd stated that he had never been married, they could get married.

She prepared the food with Tobby's help they all dined together at the table as a family. At the dinner table Sweeney stated that she would open the barbershop, and this time, he would really shave the customers. She stated that she would reopen the store and buy beef to make the new pies:

- No, Eleanor. I do not allow you to work. - Sweeney said.

- But I have to work!

- No, no need, let me handle it, I do not want you to get tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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