6 - Jealous

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Mrs. Lovett finally woke up at dusk. She looked at the floor where Mr Todd had fallen asleep but could not find him. She thought it odd that he had left the room, she really had no idea where he might go.

When she got out of bed she felt her stomach growl, she realized had missed lunch and was now starving. She decided to go downstairs to see if Mrs Morel would serve her.

She could not explain how she ended up sleeping for so many hours. But maybe it was just the fatigue of walking the whole dawn in that filthy sewer.

She changed into a simple dress, and as always with a nice neckline highlighting her breasts. As she descended the stairs, and soon smelled a delicious scent of bread that Mrs Morel had just taken from the oven.

- Good afternoon Mrs Carter! - Mrs Morel greeted her and Nellie for a second did not realize she was talking to her, but then she remembered that she was using a fake name.

- At last you woke up, you must be quite tired. - Anne, who was seated at the table, said when she saw her arrive.

- Good afternoon! - Mrs. Lovett answered, - Me and Mr ... - She almost said Sweeney's name but remembered the farce in time - Depp, we were really tired. And speaking about him, did you see him? - She asked.

- Oh, yes, my brother got stuck at work, so at the request of my husband his fiance went to the carpentry to help him get my baby's crib ready. - Anne said.

Mrs Lovett frowned. It is not from Mr T's fetish to help other people. She thought, for he would only do something as if he would benefit in some way.

- And do you know what time they come back? - She asked.

- I guess it will not be long, - Margo replied. - But do not worry, sit with us for tea.

Mrs Lovett thanked them and joined them. Nellie barely spoke much, she was trying to be very careful about the lies she told about her life is Mr Todd's. So that she could remember to count it when he arrived.

- You have a beautiful house, I really enjoyed the view from the bedroom window. - Nellie commented.

- That's because you did not look closely. - Anne says - I do not think of going to another place, here is my home.

Margo says that everything was grown by them, fruits, vegetables, milk and meat. It was a good place to live, quiet, where you would not have to worry about buying certain things, because they already had everything there. The London police would never find out they would be there, Mrs Lovett thought.

- You can take a walk in the garden if you want. It will be your home as long as you live here - Anne said gently.

- Thank you dear! - Mrs Lovett answered and after tea decided to go to the back of the house.

She looked at the garden, the orchard, and then went to the barn. She began to hear a strange noise then curiously followed the sound of where it came from.

She approached a wooden fence and saw a beautiful white mare lying on the ground whinnying, she seemed to feel pain. When she approached to look and try to find out what was happening to the poor mare, Anne's brother David appeared behind her and preached a great fright.

- Well, look who decided to wake up! - He said.

Nellie's eyes widened when she realized that the man was shirtless and tried not to look too much, but it was a bit difficult, his abdomen was fully defined, and his muscular arms were impossible not to notice. He approached the mare.

- I was tired of the trip. - She responds by watching closely what he is doing.

He took a basin of water and put it on the straw of the barn with a sheet. Then he gently stroked the mare's belly.

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