12 - Back to Fleet Street

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The night has come and Mr Todd too. Nellie was dining in the dining room with David, Mrs. Morel, Anne, and her husband. Thankfully, that judge and his wife who had spent only one night there were already gone, Nellie definitely did not like that woman. They were all having a pleasant conversation and laughing at some joke David had just told. Sweeney rolled her eyes and was already heading toward the stairs but Nellie saw him before that:

- Hello, dear! Glad you arrived! Are you alright? - she asked him, and was sitting next to David.

- Ah yes. - He forced a smile.

- Come and join us! David is telling some stories.

- No thanks, I'm really tired, I need to take a shower and lie down. Excuse. - He climbs the stairs exploding inside.

"Now she lives calling him" David "as if they were intimate? What's that idiot have that makes her laugh like a fool?" Sweeney thinks about while up the stairs. He finally arrives in his room and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. The day had been exhausting. And he had earned almost nothing for just sweeping the floor. Maybe Nellie was right, maybe he had to show what he can do with a razor in his hands, of course that does not mean cutting off people's assurances, but shaving them with class. Even if the razors are not silver as their "precious friends."

Nellie arrives at the room with a tray of food leaves on a small corner table for him to dine. There was no one else at home that night after dinner, everyone had gone to the circus and after the circus had the street party. Mrs Lovett lately was feeling very tired, and decided not to go. Besides, she would not have the guts to leave him.

Since she had already bathed, she just put on her nightgown and went to bed. Sweeney left the bathroom and upon seeing him she said:

- How was your day, honey?

He hesitates but then replies:

- Was tiring, and I need to get some sleep

He takes a blanket to the ground to lie down but she says,

- Please do not lie down on the floor and lie down here to rest better. You deserve it after a tiring day like what you had today.

- I do not think it's correct.

- And when do we care about what's right?

This time Sweeney agreed, he did not need to be so hard on himself on this issue, after all killing people also ran away from the "good manners" standards. So did not protest decided to agree with her and lie in bed because he really was exhausted. He sat on the bed and she carried the tray with food to him so he could eat comfortably.

- Thank you. He thanked her and she smiled.

She seemed to be creating the courage to tell him something, until she said:

- Mr. T, I've been thinking about what you said about Fleet Street, about probably not being suspected by the police. Then maybe we can go there and get the money that's missing from the Pies.

- What? Have you lost your mind? - He asks while he ate.

- What if they really have not been looking for us? I think we should go.

- And risk being arrested again and never meeting my daughter? No! Already said.

- But maybe we can wear a disguise. Just like we did when we got here.

- I find that very risky.

- Think carefully! And when we get there I take the money and you get your silver razors back.

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