13 - I love everything about you

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- I never forgot you, Nellie. I LOVE YOU.

Nellie was surprised, she did not believe what she was hearing. It was as if she lost her voice for a few seconds because she could not open her mouth to say anything. Sweeney said a little embarrassed:

- You're not going to say anything? Know that was not easy to say. - He would get up from the chair but she put her hand on his leg so he would not leave.

- No! Please, I'm just surprised. I'm literally speechless!

- I thought you'd be happy.

She smiles and says:

- But I'm happy! It's so perfect that I do not know if I'm dreaming. You know I love you Sweeney! I have always loved you!

She smiles and he smiles too lightly, bringing his hand to her face caressing her. She holds his hand to her cheek and kisses it. Soon he brings her face to his and kisses her lips gently. It was passion, desire and love, all feelings they felt for each other were visible in their eyes.

Finally, after so long they had admitted what they felt for each other.
Sweeney took her in his arms, leading her in a romantic way to her bedroom without letting it fall on her lips for a second. When he arrives he puts her on the bed.

Then he stares into her eyes for a few seconds. She was so beautiful, why did he take so long to admit it? He used to tell himself that she was unattractive, to get the attention of a man. Maybe it should be the sad way she dressed because of mourning, because she was a widow. But the truth was that she was beautiful! And no woman in that London could compare with her. He kissed her mouth again, it was like kissing a delicate rose. Then he looks at her again and takes off the clasp she wore loosening her hair. Then he says:

- I love your hair. - He removes a strand that was in her vision and puts it behind her ear and then brings his face to her neck - I love your skin, Your scent. - He lowers the sleeves of her dress a little and kisses her shoulders and up over her breasts causing shivers in her - I love everything about you Nellie.

She smiles and runs her lips to his again. After he unties her corset during the kiss and opens her dress, she is left with only her underwear. Then he takes off his shirt and gets his bare chest. She puts her hands on his shoulders sliding them up and down his muscular arms, she could feel the scars he had from his shoulder to her back, probably it was because he had been flogged and tortured in prison, she had already noticed before because he had already seen him shirtless, but only to think what he had suffered every year that lived in jail for a crime that did not commit she suffered with him. She creates courage and says:

- Dear - she calls him and she looks into her eyes. - These scars on your back ...

- They were in Australia, every time a detainee tried to get away, he took a hundred whips.

- Oh my love. - She stands up on the bed and hugs him with tears in her eyes and he also wraps his arms around her waist. - I can not imagine what it must have been like to live in that hell, but I want you to always know that with or without scars, I love you and I will always love you! - She holds him steady as tears flow from her eyes.

- I love you, too. - He lays a long kiss on her forehead. - But now that I'm with you, those scars do not matter anymore. - he pulls out of the embrace to look into his eyes saying - Do not cry my pet, this is past - he smiles and wipes her tears and she also smiles.

Soon her lips go to meet him again and he lies her down carefully, kissing her every inch of her body. She shivered with the touch of his warm lips on her skin. They loved each other for a long time, enjoying every second what the junction of their bodies did in synchrony. He never felt this for Lucy, nor did she feel for Albert. They were perfect together, they fit perfectly in every way.

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