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Almost a month has passed since Odette gave Logan his ultimatum, and since Shira left papers with Rory to be signed. Logan has to make a decision by Saturday when Odette will be home and is still torn. He loves Rory with every fiber of his being, but he made promises to Odette and his family. Finn has barely spoken to him since every thing, and feels very protective of Rory who he loves as if she were his sister. He has been spending a lot of time with Rory and Rory asked him to be the babies godfather. Rory has yet to sign the papers, half because she wants Logan to come to her himself, and half to get under Shira's skin. Christopher bought her a three bedroom house with a study and dining area, two bathrooms a big fenced yard and a garage, in Hartford.


Odette was supposed to be home two hours ago and still isn't so he decides to call her.
"Odette, I thought you would be home by now?"

"Logan, look I just need more time I'm gonna stay longer I just don't know if I can do this."

"I never meant to hurt you."

"I know, I'll be home when I am ready I just need a little more time. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay I guess I'll let you have your space."

"Bye, Logan."



Rory has a doctor's appointment today and her first sonogram. Lorelai is going with her. "Hi Rory are you ready to see your baby?" Dr. K asks. "Yeah, I really am." Rory replies happily. "Well we can't get the sex today but we will be able to hear the heartbeat and show you your little peanut." The doctor says. She starts the sonogram and Lorelai watches closely. "Wait doctor is that what I think it is?" "What mom?" Rory says a little panicked. "Yes Lorelai it appears it is." Dr. K replies. "Rory this is your baby very strong and healthy, and this is your other baby also very strong and healthy, congratulations you're having twins." "Oh my are you serious?" She asked shocked. "Very much so." Dr. K responded.

They left the doctors office and Rory right away called Finn and told him the news. "Oh love I'm so excited. Can't wait to know what they are." He said excitedly. "I know me too." She smiled. As they hung up she noticed her mom watching her. "What?" She asked. "Well, have you even told Logan yet?" She asked pointedly. "Well no, but he hasn't told me we're married yet either." She says back. "Your first call was Finn I'm just saying I feel like there might be something there." Lorelai said in her I know what's best fashion. "Oh no mom me and Finn are just friends, more like brother and sister." Rory defends herself. "I see." Lorelai says doubtfully. "I'm just saying if you are over Logan like you seem to be here lately maybe it's time to move on sign the papers and see where life leads you." "Thanks mom, I'll think about it." Rory answered.

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